Get definitions for multiple English words at once. Simply enter a list of comma-separated words and hit the "Get Definitions" button.
Dictionary sources:
- WordNet 3.1
- Spelling (in IPA notation) English Spelling DictData
- example sentences come from Tatoeba project
- Thesaurus comes from WordNet 3.0
Tested with Python 3.8.0a3
Blocked words - Sources:
- Icons
There are:
- 146625 unique words in the DB
- 206353 word definitions as many words have multiple meanings
- out of all unique words 57275 spellings in IPA notation
- 370366 example English sentences
- approx 20000 expressions in the thesaurus
Searching for 20k most common English words as determined by n-gram frequency analysis of the Google's Trillion Word Corpus, takes around 0.0158s. Out of those words only 542 definitions weren't found.
Searching for random unordered 1000 words takes around: 0.000804s
- generate Anki flash-cards
- get word definitions directly from a CSV file
docker build -t wort:latest .
docker run --rm --name web wort
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name web --rm -v ~/git/wort:/app wort /app/
docker logs web -f