KNX to MQTT Bridge.
Prepare eibd und mosquitto
npm install
Usage: ./mqtt-knx.js -b <broker-url> -h <eibd host> -p <eibd port>
-e, --eibd eibd hostname [required]
-p, --eibdport eibd port [default: "6720"]
-m, --mqtt mqtt url [default: "mqtt://localhost"]
-t, --topic mqtt topic prefix [default: "knx"]
-r, --retain publish with retain flag
Send DPT1 as true/false, DPT5 as 0..100% and DPT9 values to a mqtt broker. The topic is like 'knx/1/1/111'
./mqtt-knx.js -e smarthome -m mqtt://localhost
Subscribe all knx messages:
mosquitto_sub -h mac-server.local -t 'knx/#' -v
Switch lamp on/off with a publish to the broker:
mosquitto_pub -h mac-server.local -t 'knx/1/1/111/set' -m 'true'
mosquitto_pub -h mac-server.local -t 'knx/1/1/111/set' -m 'false'