Install COA Exam Lab using Devstack
Here is the collection of Scripts and Files to install all-in-one OpenStack Lab for COA Exam preparation & learning. You can install your coa-lab in VirtualBox with Vagrant or in Google Compute Engine (part of Google Cloud Platform).
You will install Devstack Ocata Release (closest we can still get to Newton - EOL since 2017-10-25, using official repos), with following Projects:
- Keystone
- Glance
- Nova
- Cinder
- Neutron
- Swift
- Heat
- Horizon
The Horizon Dashboard URL is display at the end of the script output.
Install Devstack in VirtualBox/Vagrant
!!! IMPORTANT !!! You need more than 8GB of RAM in your Host System.
Install VirtualBox from
Install Vagrant from
Download this repo and uncompress
Virtual Machine can use bridged network adapter (NIC #2) or host-only network, based on your preference. Check Vagrantfile for configuration.
Go to coa-lab-master
directory and run Vagrant:
cd coa-lab-master
vagrant up
Horizon Dashboard URL is printed in last line of output.
To access Console and use OpenStack client, go to coa-lab-master
directory and:
vagrant ssh
source devstack/openrc admin admin
openstack user list
Install Devstack in GCP Virtual Machine
In GCP Console go to VPC Network -> Firewall rules
Create Firewall Rule:
- Name: allownovnc
- Ingress
- Allow
- Targets: All Instances
- Source IP ranges:
- Protocols and Ports: tcp/6080
In Compute Engine Create a new VM
- Name:
- Region: most suitable
- Machine type: 2 vCPUs 7.5 GB memory (n1-standard-2) or 2 vCPUs 13 GB memory (n1-highmem-2)
- Boot disk: Ubuntu 16.04, 30GB disk (Standard or SSD)
- Firewall: Allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic
- SSH Key (if you like)
Open SSH console and clone this repo:
git clone
Run script to install Devstack COA Lab:
cd coa-lab
The script displays Horizon Dashboard URL in the very last line of the output.
User admin
has password openstack
, user demo
has password openstack
To access Console and use OpenStack Client, open coa-lab
SSH window in GCP Console, and:
source devstack/openrc demo demo
openstack image list