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This project aims to provide a responsive Web-UI linked to a custom Amazon Alexa Skill.
The master branch aims to be stable, but will need minor adjustements if run on another system.

Getting started

The current UI features responsive material design provided by Material Design Lite and is appropriate for use on devices >= small tablets such as an iPad mini. Best usability is achieved with a horizontal resolution >1025 as all UI-elements are permanently unfolded for bigger screens.

The backend is provided by a linux server stack and was tested on Ubuntu Server 16.04. :

  • nginx: very basic URL handling and SSL
  • django: server doing most of the work (SQL/HTTP/Serving Content)
  • django-alexa: plugin handling Alexa Requests/Responses for Amazon
  • django-channels: plugin handling WebSockets and connected Clients
  • redis-server: communication between WebSocket workers
  • memcached : memory caching server (optional instead of database caching)

A requirements.txt for pip is included and should install most packages into a virtual environment.

redis-server has to be running and listening (default on :6379).

Server deployment is done by running nginx with the alexa.conf file. This is redirecting traffic coming in for the URL to the django server listening on localhost:8000 by default.

Caching of the current session can either be done in the database (very slow, but ok with server crashes_) or with memcached in-memory caching (fast, uses RAM, unsaved changes lost when server crashes). This solution could save to disk periodically to be less susceptible to server outages. Which caching solution is preferred can be set in under CACHES.

Amazon is currently pointed towards to send all Alexa requests. If a new Alexa Skill is created, it is important to change the APP_ID in AlexaInterface/ to the appropriate Skill ID for Skill mapping, as one django server could handle multiple Skills. (Note: This only works reliably on Linux machines, as it is using os.environ).

If another URL should be used, a valid SSL certificate for the URL has to be either obtained from a CA or generated locally (check Alexa SSL guidelines) and uploaded to the Alexa Dev Portal as well as changed in the /keys folder for nginx to use. The current server only accepts traffic on :443 and redirects :80 requests accordingly (Also, the current machine is only recheable by the outside on :443 anyway).

Running Django is either done via the development server python runserver or in a deployment environment as

python runworker --threads 4 &
daphne -b -p 8000 AlexaHandler.asgi:channel_layer

If a server running on localhost:8000 is used for local dev, set ENV = "LOCAL" in This will set URLs in live.html and the CACHE_URL environment variable to the localhost. Further, the directories for import, export and cache folder must be individually set there.

If run on a headless machine (Ubuntu Server), make sure all plotting modules like matplotlib are set to work without a display.

Updated intent schemes for the old JSON intent interface in the Alexa Dev Portal can be obtained automatically by running shell python alexa AlexaHandler > intents.txt (See Alexa Integration for further details)


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Server Diagram Rudimentary communication chart of the different components in the stack

The complete sequence of components involved in this project tends to be rather cumbersome to visualize. To simplify things, this overview will focus on the components that differ from the standard Django chain and are custom to this project.
Namely, these are the Alexa components on the left and the WebSockets integration. Mandatory SSL support for Alexa requests is provided by nginx.

An initial http request for the Site will trigger the server to serve the live.html template and -once a WebSocket is established from the client- to check the current Session and serve relevant content/Blocks via JSON files afterwards. Major media is stored in a cache directory and the client pointed towards the serving URL to retrieve the media via http.

There are two possible triggers for events in the server and for the connected users to occur. Either, the Django Server is called by Amazon to process an Alexa intent or one of the connected client browser sessions is sending an event (say a button click) over WebSockets.

Intent requests will be processed by the suitable intent-function in one of the files. On server startup, these are auto-discovered and all incoming requests from Amazon are mapped to the appropriate functions automatically by django-alexa. These functions might trigger an UI-event such as enlarging an image or are focused on the Block system.

Client requests are received via WebSockets and processed by These actions again can trigger both UI- as well as Block-events.

All Events -whether triggered by Amazon or Clients- are processed internally and relayed to the clients via WebSocket commands. If the trigger was coming from Amazon, an appropriate response message and further action prompts are generated and send to the Echo for playback.

UI changes and events such as new Blocks are all received via the socket and then processed by JavaScript/jQuery.


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Main view

The user interface consists of three main elements. Taking up most of the screen is the active are where blocks and content are placed. To the left of the screen is the list of available files (found in the /import folder) and the current variables in use by any given block.
Nearly every element has a number assigned to it, as Amazon is not encouraging free-form user input. It is relying on a set of Slots, which can be a custom list of inputs or a type of Amazon.Field for example a number. If predefined Slot types are used, recognition is significantly better, so the easiest and most reliable method of input was to assign elements a unique number they can be called by, as well as action keywords pointing toward a specific intent-function:

show Block 2

“ Block 1 do a PCA

load File 0

The import folder is watched by the watchdog module and auto updated if names or files change. Variables are typeless and connected to blocks only. There are no variables independent from blocks. Their data is conserved inside of the blocks and can be accessed by the .getData() function available for blocks who have variables.
On top of the screen is a toolbar, mainly used for resets and debugging purposes at the moment. Additionally, the bar pulsates when an Alexa Session is active to let the user know the service is listening without having to look at the Echo itself.

The active area itself is populated with blocks either by User input in the browser window or Alexa requests. It is auto scrolling to move to the latest change, i.e. a new block. On small screens (lower than 1024px wide) the left toolbar is retracted to a drawer menu icon and can be accessed that way. This threshold is embedded into the mdl framework and therefore not easily changeable. Arguably, this service shouldn't be used by such small devices anyway. Files can be selected and loaded through this interface as well.

Blocks in UI

Each block has a content div to store either text or an image and a button-group div. Disabled buttons function as the block counter (orange). Every block has a delete button, that can be pressed and deletes the block from the BlockChain.
Grey buttons show options that are stored in the blocks as a list of strings. Functionality for these buttons can be implemented on an individual basis, but is discouraged as the main point of interaction of the UI should be voice. Basically, these buttons are used to prompt the user with available actions to perform on the Block. Some functionality is common for a basic-type of block. A basic show options should be implemented with every block containing an image to enlarge said image. Blocks extending the base class already inherit this funcionality.
More complex functionality such as multiple options for a Block can be achieved with the passOption intent:

option word Block X
“ Block X option word

The word is then passed to the getOption() function of the specific block as a string and can be dealt with by the block itself. This is effectively by-passing the need to create a need intent for every new functionality and redirecting it to the option intent.
This should be used for minor functions that are very specific for one type of block. Functionalities that are shared between multiple types of blocks like delete are implemented as their own intent without the need to speak the word option as it increases accesability.


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BlockChain Diagram BlockChain Diagram

If a user connects to the server (this means a WebSocket is calling the after live.html has been loaded by the browser), the relevant session is looked up from the cache pickles or created if it doesn't existed. It is also registered as an object in the Django Model database. This could be used to make certain sessions accessible only to certain Users.
The BlockChain class holds all relevant information for a session and is auto-saved (.Chain_pickle()) as a python pickle in the cache directory for individual sessions. It provides access to individual Blocks and is the only valid to delete a Block so it is properly removed from the session and it's cache cleaned. If the session needs to be deleted completely, call the Model Instance in Djangos database.
When first loaded, the BlockList is iterated and each Block called to provide relevant data as a JSON file that can be send to the client via the socket for display. As said before, images are not send via the socket. Instead, the media URL is send to the client and then loaded via https.

class BlockChain:
    def __init__ (self, name="", session=""):
        ''' initial save '''
    def addBlock (self, Block):
        ''' add Block to BlockList, add Vars from Block to VarList, add Connections '''
    def getBlock (self, index)
    def getBlockList (self)
    def getBlockListLength (self)
    def delBlockByIndex (self, index)
    def delBlockByElement (self, Block):
        ''' del associated elements in VarList... -> call Block.delBlock() for cleanup of cache data '''
    def getBlockId (self, Block)
    def delBlocksAll(self):
        ''' reset everything but keep Session alive '''
    def Chain_pickle (self):
        ''' pickle self in cache folder '''
    def __str__(self):
        ''' provide summary of status '''


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Every Block extends the BaseBlock class, while especially the __init__ and GetNode functions might have to be overwritten for custom blocks. During init, the type (IO , image, rich_image, message etc.). The type determines how the UI handles the new block, i.e. tries to load a cached image or set a specific size for the block. Custom types must be implemented in the live.html as-well.
The IO_Block is the preferred way of importing outside data from /import, as it loads numeric data (matrices) or images and can pass the processed information to other blocks, so not every block needs to be able to handle IO.
Any Block __init__ needs to set following instance variables:

def __init__ (self): = name
    self.type = "Type"
    self.session = "session string" # default: "alexa"
    self.options = ["Opt1", "Opt2"] # displayed as grey buttons in the UI
    self.vars = ["Variable Names for vars associated with this block"] # displayed on the left in the UI
    self.block_num = "" # to be filled with number in BlockChain for updates
    # optional
    # if media such as images is stored they have to be stored 
    # in the cache_dir to be servable by the server via the cache_url
    self.cache_path = settings.CACHE_DIR + "/" + self.session + "/" + self.file_name 
    self.call_path = settings.CACHE_URL + "/" + self.session + "/" + self.file_name
    # optional for updatable blocks, initially always false
    self.update = "false"

Media has to be served via the cache folder as it is the only servable Folder. The rest of the file structure is not available from the outside. Additionally, the blocks may not store media within their class instance as it makes them non-pickleable as part of the BlockChain. Abstract data such as numpy arrays or similar are however allowed and pickleable.
The GetNode function provides all necessary information to the browser client to fully render the next Block with the JavaScript provided by live.html. Depending on the block-type, this may include a call_path entry to load media. The basic ImageBlock is a good example of the basic structure:

# inside ImageBlock class (extending BaseBlock)
def GetNode(self):
    # create JSON
    data = {"type": self.type,
            "block_type": self.type,
            "content_type": "image",
            "options": self.options,
            "vars": self.vars,
            # extra-bit required for image retrieval
            "call_path": self.call_path,
            # optional update parameter
            "update": self.update,
             "block_num": self.block_num,
    return data

If a Block accepts to be called with options via the passOption intent, it has to provide a getOption function that deals with the incoming option string. In this case, blocks may themselves create more blocks and add them to the BlockChain or update the existing block.
If a new block is created, the current BlockChain has to be obtained via the imported consumers.getSessChain() function. After adding a Block, it is necessary to distribute the new display information to all clients via a WebSocket. To this, the current message Queue has to be provided with the new Block's JSON. This might look like this:

def getOption(self, opt):
    # handle the option and if valid option create new Block or modify existing block
    newBlock = AnyBlock(name, session=self.session, *args, **kwargs)
    # get current BlockChain for session
    chain = consumers.getSessChain()
    # add (wait with save after transmission for performance increase)
    # broadcast to session group
        "text": newBlock.GetNode()
    # save

If the content a block displays in the UI should not be static once it's loaded and the existing block updated, the update keyword and the value self.update needs to be present in the JSON and __init__ respectively. When the block first is created, it should be set to false. If the state of the block changes and the UI is to be refreshed, update is set to true and the block re-broadcast:

# stuff has happened that makes the block want to be refreshed in the UI
# change all new vars i.e. :
self.cache_path = "new path"
self.type = "new type"
# etc.
self.update = "true"
self.block_num = #number in the BlockChain
# send updated block
    "text": self.GetNode()
# done updating: IMPORTANT
self.update = "false"

This will trigger the javascript in live.html to empty the block with the provided self.block_num and fill it with the updated contents. This way, a message block can turn into an image block or vice versa, or just an updated image. The content of the block is loaded as if it was a new block. Options and variables can also be changed by changing self.options and self.vars.
This might be useful when the Alexa command "option word block number" is used to alter a block, but not necessarily create a new one. If the creation of a new block or the update of an already existing one is appropriate depends on the specific workflow. An implementation of both versions can be found in the SandFilterBlock in getOption.
The implementation of a "revert change" option in an updated block might be useful.

Depending on the block_type, different extra parameters are expected, such as msg for a block of type message. These are matched on the receiving side at live.html and processed. It is desired to keep the number of special cases to a minimum. So if a Block for linear Regression is created, the type should not be custom linear_reg, but rather of rich_image as that type is fully sufficient to show an image with additional text.
Classes with images should always include a showBlock function, which can easily be achieved by extending the ImageBlock class or slightly modifying it's function and copying it.

Blocks with the ability to serve data to other blocks need to provide a getData function and serve the data as a dict:

def getData(self):
    data = {"name": self.data_name, "type": self.data_type, "data":}
    return data

Media handling blocks also have a responsibility to clean up after themselves if they are deleted. They need to override the delBlock function of the BaseBlock by something like this:

def delBlock(self):
    # remove any saved media from the cache folder
        # red std print
        print("\033[93m couldnt cache", sys.exc_info(), "\033[0m")
    del self

Handling Socket Messages

Top ↑ Simple Communication Diagram Simple communication diagram

All dynamic communication between the server and client browsers happens over WebSockets carrying JSON files. Communication between Amazon and the server is done via https requests, again handling JSON.


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Handling of incoming socket messages happens mainly in the All incoming WebSocket traffic is routed by to the three functions ws_add, ws_message and ws_disconnect. As the names imply, they get called on client connection events and incomming messages. The ws_add is just accepting the conneciton and adding the reply_channel of the client to the current Group aka the "mailing list" for all changes. After that, it iterates through all blocks and sends relevant data to the client.
ws_message has to handle most of the messages, mainly it handles UI input directly from a client browser coming in as a JSON and manipulating the BlockChain accordingly. In general, any function anywhere on the server can broadcast to the Group channel and distribute messages, so is only really important for new clients and incoming UI traffic.
If a message should be sent from anywhere, import the Group:

from channels import Group
# data has to be a JSON file adhering to the protocol
# raw JSON
    "text": json.dumps(data)
# block data
                "text": block.GetNode()


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Upon load of live.html, the browser opens a ReconnectingWebSocket aimed at the Django server over wss. Upon succesful connection, it receives a ready command (type cmd) from the server and in return asks for the inital configuration of blocks.
They are delivered sequentially in individual socket messages (type block). All incoming socket traffic is handled by the socket.onmessage function and routed to functions such as new_grid_block(data) for further processing.

socket.onmessage = function(e){
    data = JSON.parse(;
    // routing
    if(data.type == "cmd")
        // route commands
        if(data.cmd == "ready")
            socket.send(JSON.stringify({"type": "cmd", "cmd": "init"}))
        else if (data.cmd == "file_list")
            // handling the UI fileList
        else if (data.cmd == "reset")
            // reset UI
        else if (data.cmd == "del_block")
            // delete block from UI
        else if (data.cmd == "show")
            // animate block image zoom
        else if (data.cmd == "listening")
            // indicate active Alexa session
        // etc.
    else if(data.type == "block")

New UI elements are handled by JavaScript and jQuery. If for example a new block carries the var keyword in it's JSON, everything in the list is added appropriately to the left-hand varList. Same goes for all opt entries, that are generated as grey buttons for any incoming block.
Clicks on option blocks are send with the block number and button label (that are saved in jQuery data for the DOM element) to the server for handling. Although it is not intended to implement functionality for these blocks. Rather, they are used as visual cues for the user what the possible voice inputs are. Some distinction between general options (with their own intent) and options only accesible through passOption has to be defined for further clarification.

Block div id's follow the naming scheme grid_block+block_number with class content, mdl-cell and it's mdl options. The div can be filled with the content such as <img> tags or <p>. Paragraphs should get the Info css-class for unified display style. Width of the block can be influenced by the mdl-cell--X-col option replacing X with a number between 1-12.
Below this, the button-group div is rendered automatically.

<div id="grid_block0"> class="content mdl-cell mdl-cell--middle mdl-shadow--6dp mdl-cell--5-col">
    <img src="cache_url">
    <p class="Info mdl-shadow--6dp">
    Info text
    <div id="button_group" class="button_group">...

Please refrain from building these DOM elements by writing the html code as a string and appending it to the div. Rather create Elements by document.createElement("div") and append them as a child to the active parent-div variable. Block creation is done via javascript only:

function new_grid_block(data){
    // ABBREVIATED AND SIMPLIFIED function, see source
    // get parent and create new block div
    var parent = document.getElementById("grid");
    update happens in this function as well
     a couple of things have to be handled differently in the full functions
     mainly emptying the div and substituting block_num for grid_count
     might be better as a seperated function for clarity, but it works
    if(data.update != "true"){
        name = "grid_block" + grid_count;
        var div = document.createElement("div"); = name;
        name = "grid_block" + grid_count;
        var div = document.getElementById(name);
        div.innerHTML = "";
    div.className = "content mdl-cell mdl-cell--middle mdl-shadow--6dp";
    // add variables to list and jquery Data
            new_Var(data.vars, grid_count);
   div, "vars", {
               vars: data.vars
    // specific block_type
    if(data.block_type == "rich_image"){
        var img = document.createElement("img");
        img.src = data.call_path;
        var p = document.createElement("p");
        p.className = "Info mdl-shadow--6dp";
        p.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Info: " + data.add_data));
        div.className += " " + "mdl-cell--5-col"
    // else if other types
    // ...
    // automatic button-group creation
    // ...
    if (data.update != "true"){
        grid_count +=1;
    // add full block to grid
    // screen size and loading handling here
    // ...


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The transfer of display information via WebSockets relies on a consistent JSON structure. All these instruction files are written similarly with two major sub-classes. block-type and cmd-type instructions.
block instructions handle the creation of new blocks and have to carry all information needed for display including text and media URLs.
cmd instructions are more custom and usually include a block_number that has to be altered or interacted with.
block-type JSON as returned by GetNode() of each block:

data = {"type": "block",
        "block_type": "i.e. rich_image",
        "content_type": "image",
        "options": ["list of options"],
        "vars": ["list of variables"],
        // extra bits for media blocks
        "call_path": "url to direct to cache folder",
        // optional if block content should be dynamic
        // false at all times except for the message where the actual update happens
        // must be set false at all other times to prevent accidental block doubling in UI
        "update": "true/false"
        "block_num": block_num to update}

cmd-type JSON usually carry a block_num parameter if the command is only aimed at a specific block. Other than that, theres always a cmd keyword.

data = {"type": "cmd", 
        "cmd": "del_block",
        "block_num": 2}

The current set of available commands is:

ready : signals ready state of server to client-side (S2C)
init : send to server to request block config (C2S)
init_done : end of init transmission (S2C)
show (block_num) : zooms image embedded in block_num (S2C/C2S)
file_list (file_list) : transmit fileList to show on the left UI (S2C)
file_list_update (file_list) : update existing fileList UI (S2C)
del_block (block_number) : delete Block and it's variables (S2C/C2S)
minimize : return from zoomed state (S2C/C2S)
listening : Alexa Session is active, trigger pulse effect (S2C) (C2S(debug only))
stopped_listening : Alexa Session ended, stop pulse (S2C) (C2S(debug only))
load (file) : trigger the server to load a specific file into IO_Block (C2S)
click (num, opt) : option on block num has been clicked (C2S)
reset : reset BlockChain and empty the active are (S2C/C2S)

Some of these are only valid server->client (S2C), client->server (C2S) or both. Generally, these are send by the server to all clients via:

# from raw JSON
                "text": json.dumps(data)
# or for a new block
                "text": newBlock.GetNode()

Or the client to the server at wss:// (or ws://localhost:8000/alexa/):

// example of a button click. block number and option are embedded in the caller's jQuery data storage from button creation
socket.send(JSON.stringify({"type" : "cmd",
                    "cmd" : "click",
                    "num" : this, "call" ).num,
                    "opt" : this, "call" ).opt


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The main part of this UI is the integration of the Amazon Alexa Service (tested with the Echo device). To use the Alexa speech recognition with our service, the server needs to have a static URL ( that has a valid CA SSL-certificate or a locally generated one uploaded to the Amazon Dev Portal.
This section is not meant as a general introduction to custom Alexa skills, but only how to implement the custom Skill into this particular setup. Refer to the Alexa documentation for information about Intents, Slots and custom Skills.
To start this particular Skill, the (changeable) invocation is:

Alexa, open live session

Intents can lead to the creation/deletion/alteration of blocks or to a change in UI. Usually, any intent will interact with one or more blocks. I.e. The loadFile intent is used to specify a file and load it into an IO_Block. The command (since the live session is already active) would be:

load file zero

This intent is then matched by the intent scheme in the Alexa Dev Console by the sample utterances to the loadIntent and provides the Slot num to the intent function inside The appropriate function is automatically routed to by the django-alexa backend. Specifically, the function is marked by the @intent decorator and is passed the slot values defined in its slots class:

# define slots
class Num(fields.AmazonSlots):
    num = fields.AmazonNumber()
# load File intent
@intent(slots=Num, app="AlexaHandler")
def loadFile(session, num=0):
        DESCRIPTION: loading file with number {num} / UTTERANCES below
        read file {num}
        read {num}
        {num} read
        load file {num}
        load {num}
        {num} load
        file {num}
        {num} file  
    # get list of files in /import
    FileList = consumers.getFileList()
    # check validity of slot value
    if type(num) is int:
        if num < len(FileList):
                # get current BlockChain and add (any) new block
                SessChain = consumers.getSessChain()
                IO = IO_Block(file_name=FileList[num], session="alexa")
                # broadcast new block
                    "text": IO.GetNode()
                # save config (optional)
                # Alexa response
                msg = "File " + str(num) + " successfully loaded"
                print("\033[93mUnexpected error:", sys.exc_info(), "\033[0m")
                msg = "error loading file  " + str(num)
            msg = "File with number " + str(num) + " does not exist. Maximum File number is " + str(len(FileList) - 1)
        print("\033[94m Amazon provided None type \033[0m")
        msg = "Please provide a number"
    # return Alexa response
    return ResponseBuilder.create_response(message=msg,

Any Block type that is to be created by an Alexa Skill needs to be imported into the respective There can be mutliple of these files (case-insensitive) around the project. They will be autodetected and automatically routed to.
The intent scheme, custom slots and sample utterances for all intents can be automatically saved to file with:

python alexa AlexaHandler > intent.txt

This intent scheme and all sample utterances can then be copy-pasted into the Dev Console. This relies on all intent functions properly defining their slots and utterances. Slots are defined as classes and can expect multiple values, even custom slots. One example is the passOption function that expects custom slot values:

# custom values
OPTIONS = ["sand", "glass", "void", "etc"]

# slots
class OPT(fields.AmazonSlots):
    alexa_option = fields.AmazonCustom(label="OPTIONS", choices=OPTIONS)
    number = fields.AmazonNumber()

# function
@intent(slots=OPT, app="AlexaHandler")
def passOption(session, number=-1, alexa_option=""):
        simple function description with UTTERANCES below
        pass option {alexa_option} to block {number}
        option {alexa_option} block {number}
        block {number} option {alexa_option}
    # SIMPLIFIED without value check or try error handling (see source)
    SessChain.getBlock(num).getOption(alexa_option, num)
    msg = "processed"
    return ResponseBuilder.create_response(message=msg,

Sample utterances are provided with slot names in curly brackets as placeholders. It is important to allow different ways a user might say a certain command. I.e., the user might say:

block {num} delete


delete block {num}

In both cases, the delete intent function will receive the number 4, but the user is not tied to a specific way of saying the command. This makes the commands more "natural" as it is closer to spontanous, normal speech than learning a command by heart before you can use it. Sample utterances should also include shorter variants for users who do not wish to use full sentences.
Easy to learn or "natural" input:

pass option {alexa_option} to block {num}

Fast command structure:

option {alexa_option} block {num}
{num} option {alexa_option}

Custom Block Integration

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How hard building a new block is depends on a few factors. This will also determine if you only need to use python in 1/2 files or require javascript and html as well. These are a few cases:

  • Easy (i.e. IO_Block):
    The new block can utilize one of the existing UI classes (i.e. message or rich_image). It lives as a stand-alone block and uses standard intents like show/delete.

    • Create a new in the /Block directory.
    • Create an intent for your block in AlexaHandler/Block/ and update the scheme @Dev Portal
  • Medium (i.e. SandFilterBlock):
    All of the above plus the block should be updatable and/or accept options from the exisiting passOption intent.

    • self.update needs to be handled and the block needs to be able to change it's content/media.
    • It handles the passed Options with a getOptions() function.
    • New options are added to the OPT custom slot class.
  • Medium++ (i.e. SandFilterBlock/PCA_Block):
    All of the above plus the block's option buttons should be clickable and it shares/receives data with other blocks/creates new blocks.

    • If the block is created as the result of an option of another block, the old block needs to import the new class and create the new block.
    • If one of the block's options creates a new block, it needs to handle the creation of a new block.
    • The clicks on buttons are send as cmd's with block number and label to AlexaHandler/ by default and need to be handled there.
  • Hard:
    All of the above plus the block should read/write from Djangos SQL database.

    • Use the AlexaHandler/ to define the database objects/structure.
  • Harder (the full stack):
    All of the above plus the block needs a new UI class (more than rich_image) / needs to implement multi-step dialogue.

    • Block-UI is handled as javascript in the new_grid_block() found in AlexaHandler/templates/AlexaHandler/live.html. Edit as needed.
    • Multi-step dialogue can be implemented with the (as of this writing brand-new) Skill Builder in the Alexa Dev Portal.


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