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Example Rails App

This is a simple Rails application which includes a number of tools that we often use on our applications at Krystal.

  • Konfig
  • Klogger
  • RSpec
  • Rubocop
  • Authie
  • GitHub Actions for linting, testing and releasing
  • Helm Charts


The purpose of this repository is to provide an example resource for those looking to create a new Rails application following the same practices that we use when developing our own applications at Krystal. We use have built a number of our own open source tools and use others and this repository brings them together.


It is worth noting that this repository only contains basic framework and configuration code rather than any actual application. Much of what is in this repository has been generated by generators provided by Rails and its components. Additionally, other files come from examples provided by dependency authors. These files are covered by their respective owners licences. Files which have been created by Krystal are licenced under the MIT licence.