This is my attempt to write a decompiler for Ethereum Virtual Machine. This project is on a very early stage and has a lot of bugs, but it Sometimes Works(TM). The output it generates is still hard to read but it's already more readable than bytecode.
I plan to improve it later if I have some time
Original contract:
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract Test {
uint256 i = 0;
function() payable public {
function testfunc() payable public {
(memory[0x40:+32] = 0x80)
if((sizeof( < 0x4)) goto loc_0x3e
if(((([0x0:+32] / 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) & 0xffffffff) == 0xb39dbc6)) goto loc_0x49
(storage[0x0] = (0x1 + storage[0x0]))
goto loc_0x51
(storage[0x0] = (storage[0x0] - 0x1))
goto loc_0x4f
Raw disassembly:
0x00000000 60 80 PUSH1 80
0x00000002 60 40 PUSH1 40
0x00000004 52 MSTORE
0x00000005 60 04 PUSH1 04
0x00000007 36 CALLDATASIZE
0x00000008 10 LT
0x00000009 60 3e PUSH1 3e
0x0000000b 57 JUMPI
0x0000000c 63 ff ff ff ff PUSH4 ff ff ff ff
0x00000011 7c 00 00 00 00 + PUSH29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
0x0000002f 60 00 PUSH1 00
0x00000031 35 CALLDATALOAD
0x00000032 04 DIV
0x00000033 16 AND
0x00000034 63 c6 db 39 0b PUSH4 c6 db 39 0b
0x00000039 81 DUP2
0x0000003a 14 EQ
0x0000003b 60 49 PUSH1 49
0x0000003d 57 JUMPI
0x0000003e 5b JUMPDEST
0x0000003f 60 00 PUSH1 00
0x00000041 80 DUP1
0x00000042 54 SLOAD
0x00000043 60 01 PUSH1 01
0x00000045 01 ADD
0x00000046 90 SWAP1
0x00000047 55 SSTORE
0x00000048 00 STOP
0x00000049 5b JUMPDEST
0x0000004a 60 4f PUSH1 4f
0x0000004c 60 51 PUSH1 51
0x0000004e 56 JUMP
0x0000004f 5b JUMPDEST
0x00000050 00 STOP
0x00000051 5b JUMPDEST
0x00000052 60 00 PUSH1 00
0x00000054 80 DUP1
0x00000055 54 SLOAD
0x00000056 60 01 PUSH1 01
0x00000058 90 SWAP1
0x00000059 03 SUB
0x0000005a 90 SWAP1
0x0000005b 55 SSTORE
0x0000005c 56 JUMP
0x0000005d 00 STOP
0x0000005e a1 LOG1
0x0000005f 65 58 30 72 7a + PUSH6 58 30 72 7a 7a 62
0x00000066 20 SHA3