Currently working as a Software Developer at:
- Master's degree & Bachelor's degree in Applied computer science at Wrocław University of Science and Technology** (pol. Politechnika Wrocławska).
Other technologies and languages, familiarized with during studies:
If you found this account as a student of Applied computer science (pol. Informatyka Stosowana) from Wrocław University of Science and Technology (pol. Politechnika Wrocławska), then you're in luck.
Some repositories that you might wanna check out are:
Subject (in polish) | Year | Term | Repositories |
Paradygmaty programowania | 2 | 3 | concurrentAndFunctionalProgramming_scala |
Metody systemowe i decyzyjne | 2 | 4 | introToMachineLearning_python, msid_zad4 |
Podstawy internetu rzeczy | 3 | 5 | iot_arduino, iot_raspberryPi, iot_weather_project |
Aplikacje webowe na platformie .NET | 3 | 5 | net_html_css_javascript, net_entity_framework |
Projektowanie oprogramowania | 3 | 5 | PO_Apteka_Internetowa |
Projektowanie baz danych | 3 | 5 | multikino_python_script |
Rozproszone systemy informatyczne | 3 | 6 | distributedComputingSystems_java_Csharp |
Hurtownie danych | 3 | 6 | dataWarehouse_sql_ssis, hurtownie_sql |
Sztuczna inteligencja i inżynieria wiedzy | 3 | 6 | artificialInteligence_java_python |
Programowanie gier | 3 | 6 | variousGames_unity_csharp, OnlyPWRfullSurvive_Unity2D |
Projektowanie aplikacji multimedialnych | 3 | 6 | roomDesign_android, puzzleGame_android |
Sieci neuronowe | 4 | 7 | sieci_neuronowe |
Subject (in polish) | Year | Term | Repositories |
Programowanie współbieżne i funkcyjne | 1 | 1 | concurrentAndFunctionalProgramming_scala |
Projekt badawczo-rozwojowy w inżynierii oprogramowania | 1 | 1 | M6 |
Projekt i implementacja systemów webowych | 1 | 1 | WebApplicationsDesigning_project_angular_java, WebApplicationsDesigning_html_css_javascript_springBoot WebApplicationsDesigning_list4_springBoot WebApplicationsDesigning_list5_angular |
Use the provided knowledge responsibly, and remember, only the PWRful and/or resourceful 😉 survive this goddam Uni.
Good luck to you!