MAIA Toolkit is a python package to interact with a Kubernetes cluster, to create custom environments and deploy applications in MAIA (including pods, services and ingresses).
The requirements for the package are Helm
and kubectl
. To install
the package, clone the repository and run:
pip install maia-toolkit
To install Helm
follow the instructions in the Helm documentation.
To install kubectl
follow the instructions in
the Kubernetes documentation.
To deploy a MAIA namespace in a Kubernetes cluster, the script MAIA_deploy_MAIA_namespace
can be used.
The script requires a configuration file with the following parameters:
group_subdomain: <> # The group subdomain to be used in the URLs
group_ID: <> # The group ID in Keycloak, following the format MAIA:<group_ID>
users: # List of user emails to be added to the group
resources_limits: # List of resources limits to be used in the namespace
- "4G" # Memory usage lower limit
- "8G" # Memory usage upper limit
- 4.0 # CPU usage lower limit
- 4.0 # CPU usage upper limit
gpu_request: "1" # Number of GPUs to be requested per user ( omit the field if no GPU is needed)
And, additionally, a cluster-specific configuration file with the following parameters:
docker_server: "" # Docker server URL
docker_username: "" # Docker username
docker_password: "" # Docker password
storage_class: "" # k8s Storage class to be used
shared_storage_class: "" # k8s Storage class to be used for shared storage
traefik_resolver: "" # Traefik resolver to be used for k8s Ingress (only for Traefik)
hub_storage_class": "" # k8s Storage class to be used for JupyterHub storage
url_type: "subdomain" # URL type to be used for the MAIA Applications (subdomain or path)
domain: "" # k8s cluster domain
imagePullSecrets: "" # Image pull secrets to be used
admins: # List of admin emails
- ""
- ""
ssh_port_type: "" # SSH port type to be used. It can be either "NodePort" or "LoadBalancer"
ssh_hostname: "" # SSH hostname to be used
port_range: # Port range to be used for SSH ports, according to the cluster configuration for NodePort or LoadBalancer
keycloack: # Keycloak configuration for Authentication
client_id: "" # Keycloak client ID
issuer_url: "" # Keycloak issuer URL
client_secret: "" # Keycloak client secret
authorize_url: "" # Keycloak authorize URL
token_url: "" # Keycloak token URL
userdata_url: "" # Keycloak user data URL
Finally, a MAIA configuration file with the following parameters:
image: "" # Orthanc-OHIF-MONAI Label image
tag: "" # Orthanc-OHIF-MONAI Label tag
nginx_proxy_image: "" # MAIA Nginx proxy image
maia_addons_version: "" # MAIA Addons chart version
maia_workspace_version: "" # MAIA Workspace tag
maia_workspace_image: "" # MAIA Workspace image
In order to deploy the MAIA namespace, the minio
and kustomize
CLI should be installed locally, to be able to
interact with the cluster.
To install the minio
CLI, run:
curl --create-dirs -o /usr/local/bin/mc
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/mc
To install the kustomize
CLI, run:
cd /usr/local/bin && curl -s "" | bash
To deploy the MAIA namespace, run:
MAIA_deploy_MAIA_namespace --namespace-config-file <PATH/TO/CONFIG/FILE> --cluster-config-file <PATH/TO/CLUSTER/CONFIG/FILE> --config-folder <PATH/TO/CONFIG/FOLDER> --maia-config-file <PATH/TO/MAIA/CONFIG/FILE>
If you only want to create a deployment script, to review and run it later, you can use the --create-script
MAIA_deploy_MAIA_namespace --namespace-config-file <PATH/TO/CONFIG/FILE> --cluster-config-file <PATH/TO/CLUSTER/CONFIG/FILE> --config-folder <PATH/TO/CONFIG/FOLDER> --maia-config-file <PATH/TO/MAIA/CONFIG/FILE> --create-script
A minimal installation can be done, only deploying the JupyterHub interface and the required SSH services.
To install the MAIA namespace with the minimal configuration, you can use the --minimal
MAIA_deploy_MAIA_namespace --namespace-config-file <PATH/TO/CONFIG/FILE> --cluster-config-file <PATH/TO/CLUSTER/CONFIG/FILE> --config-folder <PATH/TO/CONFIG/FOLDER> --maia-config-file <PATH/TO/MAIA/CONFIG/FILE> --minimal
The script to deploy custom applications uses Helm charts to deploy the applications, and it is available as a Helm chart: MAIA.
With the MAIA chart it is possible to deploy any Docker Image as a Pod, expose the required ports as services, mount persistent volumes on the specified locations and optionally create Ingress resources to expose the application to the external traffic using the HTTPS protocol.
To add the chart to Helm, run:
helm repo add maia
helm repo update
A number of custom parameters can be specified for the Helm chart, including the Docker image to deploy, the port to expose, etc.
The custom configuration is set in a JSON configuration file, following the conventions described below.
Specify the Cluster Namespace where to deploy the resources
"namespace": "NAMESPACE_NAME"
Specify the Helm Chart Release name
"chart_name": "Helm_Chart_name"
To specify the Docker image to deploy
"docker_image": "DOCKER_IMAGE"
To request resources (RAM,CPU and optionally GPU).
"memory_request": "REQUESTED_RAM_SIZE",
"cpu_request": "REQUESTED_CPUs"
Optionally, to request GPU usage:
"gpu_request": "NUMBER_OF_GPUs"
Since each environment is deployed as a Job with a fixed allocation time, the user can specify the requested allocation time (default in days) in the following field:
"allocationTime": "2"
To specify which ports (and corresponding services) can be reached from outside the pod.
"ports": {
The default Service Type is ClusterIP. To expose a service as a type NodePort:
"service_type": "NodePort",
"ports": {
2 different types of persistent volumes are available: hostPath (local folder) and nfs (shared nfs folder). For each of these types, it is possible to request a Persistent Volume via a Persistent Volume Claim.
The "readOnly" options can be added to specify the mounted folder as read-only.
Request PVC:
"persistent_volume": [
"mountPath": "/mount/path_1",
"size": "VOLUME_SIZE",
"access_mode": "ACCESS_TYPE",
"pvc_type": "STORAGE_CLASS"
"mountPath": "/mount/path_2",
"size": "VOLUME_SIZE",
"access_mode": "ACCESS_TYPE",
"pvc_type": "STORAGE_CLASS"
"STORAGE_CLASS" can be any of the storage classes available on the cluster:
kubectl get sc
Previously created pv can be mounted into multiple pods (ONLY if the access mode was previously set to **ReadWriteMany ** )
"existing_persistent_volume": [
"mountPath": "/mount/path"
Single files can be mounted inside the Pod. First, a ConfigMap including the file is created, and then it is mounted into the Pod.
"mount_files": {
"file_name": [
To optionally select which node in the cluster to use for deploying the application.
"node_selector": "NODE_NAME"
To optionally select which available GPUs in the cluster to request. product
attribute can be specified.
Example: product: "RTX-2070-Super"
"gpu_selector": {
"product": "GPU_TYPE"
Used to create an Ingress resources to access the application at the specified port by using an HTTPS address. Two types of Ingress are currently supported: NGINX and TRAEFIK.
IMPORTANT! The specified DNS needs to be active and connected to the cluster DNS ("")
IMPORTANT! When working with the TRAEFIK Ingress, the traefik_middleware and traefik_resolver should be explicitly specified, since only oauth-based authenticated users can be authorized through the ingress. Contact the MAIA admin to retrieve this information.
IMPORTANT! When working with the NGINX Ingress, the oauth_url and nginx_issuer should be explicitly specified, since only oauth-based authenticated users can be authorized through the ingress. Contact the MAIA admin to retrieve this information.
"ingress": {
"host": "",
"port": "SERVICE_PORT",
"path": "/<PATH>",
"oauth_url": "",
"nginx_issuer": "<NGINX_ISSUER_NAME>"
"ingress": {
"host": "",
"port": "SERVICE_PORT",
"path": "/<PATH>",
"traefik_middleware": "<MIDDLEWARE_NAME>",
"traefik_resolver": "<TRAEFIK_RESOLVER_NAME>"
To add environment variables, used during the creation and deployment of the pod (i.e., environment variables to specify for the Docker Image).
"env_variables": {
"KEY_1": "VAL_1",
"KEY_2": "VAL_2"
By default, the deployment is done as a Job. To deploy as a Deployment, the following field should be added:
"deployment": "true"
To specify a custom command to run inside the container:
"command": [
If the Docker image is stored in a private repository, the user can specify the secret to use to pull the image.
"image_pull_secret": "SECRET NAME"
When deploying MAIA-based applications, it is possible to create single/multiple user account in the environment. For each of the users, username, password, and, optionally, an ssh public key are required. This information is stored inside Secrets:
user: USER_1
password: pw
ssh_publickey [Optional]: "ssh-rsa ..."
To provide the user information to the Pod:
"user_secret": [
"user_secret_params": [
"namespace": "demo",
"chart_name": "jupyterlab-1-v1",
"docker_image": "jupyter/scipy-notebook",
"tag": "latest",
"memory_request": "4Gi",
"allocationTime": "2",
"cpu_request": "5000m",
"ports": {
"jupyter": [
"persistent_volume": [
"mountPath": "/home/jovyan",
"size": "100Gi",
"access_mode": "ReadWriteOnce",
"pvc_type": "microk8s-hostpath"
Install the MAIA package running:
pip install maia-tookit
kubectl # Kubernetes CLI
helm # Kubernetes Package Manager
To deploy a Hive Chart, first create a config file according to the specific requirements (as described [above](#Custom Helm values)).
After creating the config file, run:
MAIA_deploy_helm_chart --config-file <PATH/TO/CONFIG/FILE>