Installing Bosh Director and Deploying CFCR (Kubo)
Create a Ubuntu 16.04 jumpbox VM and SSH into VM
Run script to get useful binaries to manage Bosh and related software.
Create a cloud-config file for Bosh. See bosh/cloud-config.yml file.
Create a bootstrap variables file. See bosh/bootstrap-vars.yml file. Specify the values for main manifest file which in this case is bosh/bosh.yml.
Create a main manifest. See bosh/bosh.yml file.
Create a cloud provider interface file. In this case we used GCP, see bosh/gcp-cpi.yml.
Run bosh/ script. This will create Bosh VM and install necessary binaries. Now Bosh can be used to deploy CFCR.
The steps in the link below are clear to deploy CFCR.
Some notes:
Change the main manifest (cfcr.yml) parameters according to your Bosh cloud-config.
If Bosh Director VM doesn't have Credhub, "--vars-store=creds.yml" parameter need to be added to "bosh deploy ..." command. Kubeconfig script should be modified also. See cfcr/ ca-cert file -which is used by set-kubeconfig script- should include tls-kubernetes/ca value of creds.yml file.
- When worker VMS are off for multiple days, PKS Flannel network gets out of sync with docker bridge network (cni0). To resolve this follow the steps in the link below.
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