A car rental project developed with C# and .Net Core Framework. In development phase, N-Layered Architecture model was followed. You can perform basic CRUD operations with this program. Also, this program has JWT Bearer system. CRUD operaitons will work if the user has right claims.
- Core : The core layer of the project is used for universal operations.
- DataAccess : It is the layer that connects the project with the Database.
- Entities: Our tables in the database have been created as objects in our project. It also contains DTO objects.
- Business : It is the business layer of our project. Various business rules; Data controls, validations and authorization controls
- WebAPI : It is the Restful API Layer of the project. Known methods: Get, Post, Put, Delete
- .Net Core 3.1
- Restful API
- Result Types
- Interceptor
- Autofac
- AOP, Aspect Oriented Programming
- Caching
- Performance
- Transaction
- Validation
- Fluent Validation
- Cache Management
- JWT Authentication
- Repository Design Pattern
- Cross Cutting Concerns
- Caching
- Validation
- Extensions
- Claim
- Exception Middleware
- Service Collection
- Error Handling
- Validation Error Details