-- Webapp to make task lists to be done
1. Add a task
2. Mark a task as completed
3. Delete a task
4. Remove all tasks from the list
1. Add the task in the input section
2. Plus sign: to add the entered task to the list
3. Square box: Each task can be checked after completion and task text is cut through
4. Delete icon: Each task can be deleted by clicking it.
5. Remove button: To remove all the tasks from the list
6. The list is not refreshed/removed on refreshing the window
Maximum limit of characters in a task = 30
Project phase: Frontend, Local Storage
Tools used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.JS
Data: Dynamically entered by the user through input section -- Data will be stored in Local Storage
Root file: "public/index.html"
Styling files: Present in "src/stylesheets/" --
1. index.css -- to style the Home component
2. style001.css -- to style the Main001 component -- for individual To Do designs
Rendering file: "src/index.js" -- Renders the templates from Virtual DOM to Actual DOM
React components: Present in "src/components/" --
1. Home.js: a. It nests all other main components of individual To Do designs
b. Parents: App.js
c. Children: Main001.js
2. Main001.js: a. It nests the sub-components for 001 to do designs
b. Parents: Home.js
c. Children: Tasks.js
3. Tasks.js: a. It returns all individual task boxes
b. Parents: Main001.js
c. Children: None
Hooks: useState, useEffect