An Application(Spring BOOT) that uses public API's to search for movies and albums.
- Last FM (Music) -
- The Movie Database (Movies) -
- After cloning repo, open terminal and cd into project directory e.g (cd /projects/mediafinder)
- run "mvn clean install" command
- cd into generated target folder e.g (cd target/)
- run program jar e.g (java -jar mediafinder-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Dapi="tmdb" -Dquery="district 9")
The Media Finder App, allows you to perform queries against two different API's stated above.
- For movies you would use the following arguments (-Dapi=tmdb -Dquery="Star Wars")
- For a music album search, you would use following arguments (-Dapi=lastfm -Dquery="Deftones")