If you're thinking about using this tool, please give love-release a look as it may be more up to par with what you need
A helpful utility that will assist you in creating LÖVE/Love2d executables for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), Mac OSX, and a .love file for Linux.
curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/sqow/procreation/master/procreation -o /usr/local/bin/procreation; chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/procreation;
procreation [-bh] [-t <title>] [-n <identifier>] input target
- It is assumed that input will be a directory that already exists. If it doesn't, this will fail.
- Target may be a directory that does not yet exist. If it doesn't, it will be created. Otherwise, it will be cleaned before use.
- Make sure your title and identifier are not null or empty strings if passed.
Flag | Description |
-b | Bust cache: Force download of executables again. |
-h | Help; this message. |
-t | Title of the game, for the executables. |
-n | Name for Mac Bundle Identifier, e.g. com.whatever.gamename |
This project was created and is maintained by @kylekellogg