A 1 to 1 V wrapper for binaryen, an optimizer and compiler/toolchain library for WebAssembly. Read more about the library here.
Translated with c2v
, then heavily modified. Used in the upcoming WebAssembly backend for V, developed by me!
A V example mirroring the provided C example, c-api-hello-world.c
v run main.v
import binaryen as wa
fn main() {
mod := wa.modulecreate()
ii := [wa.typeint32(), wa.typeint32()]
params := wa.typecreate(ii.data, ii.len)
results := wa.typeint32()
x := wa.localget(mod, 0, wa.typeint32())
y := wa.localget(mod, 1, wa.typeint32())
add := wa.binary(mod, wa.addint32(), x, y)
/* adder := */ wa.addfunction(mod, c'adder', params, results, unsafe { nil }, 0, add)