The last version of eBot running discord.js v13
Please change the Token and ApplicationID in .env
before using (please read next)
You need to install (nodejs v16 and) these packages to ensure it works: discord.js@13.12.0 dotenv@16.0.3 ms@2.1.3 path@0.12.7 types@0.1.1 util@0.12.5 vm@0.1.0
*You can use npm i discord.js@13.12.0 discord-api-types@0.37.19 dotenv@16.0.3 fs ms@2.1.3 path@0.12.7 types@0.1.1 util@0.12.5 vm@0.1.0
To install all of them quickly
*If you using this for your main bot, please change the help commands in index.js
or it will respond my discord.js v14 bot help website.