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Dynamic Italian Language Resources. Creation, deployment and maintenance of a web-based infrastructure aimed at consolidating the teaching of Italian worldwide.

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RIDIRE Installation Manual


Install Java version >=1.5

Adjust JAVA_HOME environment variable accordingly


Install JBoss version=5.1.0GA

Make sure default listening port (8080) it’s not already used. If so, change JBOSS_INSTALL/server/default/conf/bindingservice.beans/META-INF/bindings-jboss-beans.xml

from these

  <!-- The name of the set of bindings to use for this server -->  
  <!-- The binding sets -->  

to these

  <!-- The name of the set of bindings to use for this server -->  
  <!-- The binding sets --> 

This change will shift all ports by 100. So the HTTP listening port will be 8180.

Make also sure the system has a high limit on maximum open file (e.g. ubuntu’s default 1024 is often too small).

If you are not a JBoss expert, go to JBOSS_INSTALL/server/default/deploy and remove the directory admin-console.war, to avoid a well-known security issue.

Temporary directory

RIDIRE will need of a quite big amount of space for temporary files. Sometimes /tmp (the default temporary directory) is bound to a small partition. If so, create a dedicated temporary folder (something like ~/ridire_tmp/) and modify JBOSS_INSTALL/bin/run.conf adding at the end of JAVA_OPTS.


Install MySQL version > 5.0

Create a database and assign all privileges on it to a user.

mysql> create database ridire default character set utf8 default collate utf8_bin;

mysql> grant all privileges on ridire.* to 'ridire'@'IPADDRESS' identified by 'secret';


Move to JBOSS_INSTALL/server/default/deploy and unpack file

Copy it.drwolf.ridire-ds.xml in JBOSS\_INSTALL/server/default/deploy (not in the folder created by unzipping the package).

Change ds.xml file accordingly to the parameters you have set for the DB.

Not shipped libraries

Some of the programming libraries needed by RIDIRE cannot be shipped in the same package for licences reasons. You have to download them by yourself and place in JBOSS_INSTALL/server/default/deploy/it.drwolf.ridire-ear.ear/lib/

  1. MySQL JDBC connector
  2. iText

First run



$ ./ -b

The option -b makes JBoss accept connection from every IP, not just localhost (this could be a security issue, be aware).

The first run, beside checking if the first installation is correct, creates needed tables with default parameters on the DB.

Web interface is reachable at http://SERVER_IP:8080/it.drwolf.ridire/

If you see RIDIRE’s logo, the first run went fine.

The default user administrator has the following parameters:

username: admin
password: changeme

You may want to change it modifying the corresponding record in User table.


Parameters are set in Parameter and CommandParameter tables. They are just key-value records; key name should have a quite explanatory name, anyway they will be discussed later.

To make RIDIRE aware of any change in parameters, JBoss must be restarted.

Stopping and restarting

The correct way to stop JBoss5 is:


This command works if JBoss was installed on the default port (8080). Otherwise you have to pass other parameters to the shutdown script. E.g. if JBoss’ ports are shifted by 100, the right command is

$ JBOSS_INSTALL/bin/ -s jnp://localhost:1199


To install the crawler, unpack the bundle heritrix-RIDIRE.tar.gz, which is a snapshot of Heritrix v. 3.1.1, with already configured profiles and a custom module.

Take note of the folder where you’ve unpacked the bundle and change the following parameters accordingly:

in CommandParameter table:

  • heritrix.dir

in Parameter table:

  • jobs.dir
  • localresoruces.dir

Now the crawler is configured, but it’s not very useful, because the pipeline is not installed. Without the pipeline, downloaded resources won’t be processed and transformed in plain text and linguistic information won’t br extracted.


Transformation to HTML

DOC, RTF, TXT conversion implementations are embedded in the application. No configuration needed.

PDF conversion needs the following configuration steps:

  1. pdftohtml - you need to install pdftohtml version 0.40, based on Xpdf version 3.01. Notice that pdftohtml version that is shipped in ubuntu’s package is not compatible. Change pdftohtml.bin CommandParameter accordingly.
  2. PdfCleaner - place PdfCleaner.jar in a folder of your choice. Change pdfcleaner.jar CommandParameter accordingly.

HTML cleaner

Place ridirecleaner.jar in a folder of your choice. Change CommandParameter ridirecleaner.jar accordingly.

To use Readability you must get an API key from Read carefully

To configure Readability cleaning, you need to adjust the following Parameters:

  1. that must match the URL of RIDIRE application;
  2. readability.key with the provided key

Alchemy is an external web service too. You must obtain an API key ( Free API key have a limit of 1000 calls per day. You may request a key for academic use or a commercial one (see website for details).

You must write the key in the alchemy.key Parameter.

Change temp.dir Parameter according to your system’s temporary directory of to the one you have chosen.

Language detection

It’s embedded in the application. No configuration needed.


Download and install TreeTagger following instruction on the web site

Use Marco Baroni's Italian parameter file

Modify the following CommandParameters on db:

  1. treetagger.bin
  2. treetagger.parfile
  3. treetaggerutf8.bin

After installing the pipeline RIDIRE is ready to crawl and process resources.

PoS tagging is disabled in default installation. Set pos.enabled Parameter to true to enable it.

CorpusWorkbench (CWB)

RIDIRE exploits CWB to index resources and search for concordances and collocates.

Follow installation instruction here:

CWB installation needs to be customized a little in order to cope with some tabulation problem. After unpacking CWB package, find directory CWB_DIR/cwb/trunk/cqp and inside that directory, the file output.c. With your text editor change line 920:

< fprintf(rd->stream, "\t");
> fprintf(rd->stream, "@@##");

After installing, update the following Parameters

  1. cqp.executable
  2. cqp.registry
  3. cwb.decode.executable
  4. cwbscan.executable

Creating a corpus

Before building a corpus you must prepare resource files in order to be managed by CWB.

You can:

  1. use a list of job names

  2. use all validated jobs

This choice can be done here: http://SERVER_IP:8080/it.drwolf.ridire/cwb.seam

Whichever choice you make, you must provide a destination directory. If you choose 2., you must provide the list of the jobs you want to put in the corpus.

This operation creates VRT files. For performance reasons, an inverted corpus is also needed.

The inverted corpus is made of the same resources with inverted order. To make these new VRT files, you must provide the directory path of the previous step and the path of a different folder where inverted VRT files will be placed and click on ‘Inverti VRT’ button.

Actual indexing is performed on the command line.

Choose a corpus name (from now on: CORPUSNAME).

$ cwb-encode -d CWBDATADIR -F VRTDIR -R REGISTRYDIR/CORPUSNAME -c utf8 -xsB -P pos -P easypos -P lemma -S text:0+id+url+functional+semantic+jobname

Repeat these steps for the inverted files, placing a INV suffix on the CORPUSNAME

$ cwb-encode -d CWBDATADIRINV -F VRTDIRINV -R REGISTRYDIR/CORPUSNAMEINV -c utf8 -xsB -P pos -P easypos -P lemma -S text:0+id+url+functional+semantic+jobname

Remember that for cwb-make the -V parameter must be uppercase.

Now you can modify cqp.corpusname Parameter (just with CORPUSNAME in uppercase format).

Frequency lists

In order to extract collocates you must precompute frequency lists.

This is a quite time consuming operation for large corpora.

Go to http://SERVER_IP:8080/it.drwolf.ridire/cwbfrequencyList.seam and click 'Crea Liste di Frequenza' button.

This operation updates a bunch of frequency list tables on the database.

After the computation is complete it’s possible to extract collocates and compute sketches.


First choose a directory where the sketches index will be stored and change sketch.index.location Parameter accordingly.

Then you have to choose for which lemmas you want to compute sketches. Be aware that sketch computation is a very time consuming process that can take weeks on corpora with tenths of millions of terms. Moreover terms with low frequency are likely to produce not interesting sketches. Keeping this in mind you must create 4 text files to be put in a ‘working directory’ on the server, that tell the system which lemmas have to be treated; each of these files must contain a single lemma per line:

  1. nome.txt
  2. aggettivo.txt
  3. avverbio.txt
  4. verbo.txt

To compute these files you can use, for example, CWB’s cwb-scan-corpus program.


$cwb-scan-corpus -r REGISTRYDIR/ -C CORPUSNAME lemma pos=/NOUN/ | sort -nr -k 1 | cut -f2 > nome.txt

$cwb-scan-corpus -r REGISTRYDIR/ -C CORPUSNAME lemma pos=/ADJ/ | sort -nr -k 1 | cut -f2 > aggettivo.txt

$cwb-scan-corpus -r REGISTRYDIR/ -C CORPUSNAME lemma pos=/ADV.*/ | sort -nr -k 1 | cut -f2 > avverbio.txt

$cwb-scan-corpus -r REGISTRYDIR/ -C CORPUSNAME lemma pos=/VER.*/ | sort -nr -k 1 | cut -f2\> verbo.txt

The commands above put all nouns in the file, even single occurrences; maybe you should cut the file for the considerations already explained.

Go to http://SERVER_IP:8080/it.drwolf.ridire/sketchcreation.seam

write the working dir complete path and a number for process parameter greater than 1 and lesser than 10.

Process is a number that tells the system how many threads can be launched contemporary. Multiple threads can exploit multicore or mulitprocessor architecture on some systems. You can safely write 10 even if you are not sure how many cores you have.

Click on ‘Genera sketch’ to start the process.

You will have to check once in awhile if the process is terminated by analysing JBoss logs;

$ tail -f JBOSS_INSTALL/server/default/server.log

It may be a good idea to suspend mapping process during this phase, in order to provide more resources to the sketch creation:

go to http://SERVER_IP:8080/it.drwolf.ridire/resourcesAdmin.seam and click on ‘Sospendi mapping’.

When the process is terminated go back to http://SERVER_IP:8080/it.drwolf.ridire/sketchcreation.seam and click on ‘Chiudi indice’ to optimize and close sketches Lucene index (now you can resume mapping, by clicking on ‘Riprendi mapping’ on resourcesAdmin page).


Dynamic Italian Language Resources. Creation, deployment and maintenance of a web-based infrastructure aimed at consolidating the teaching of Italian worldwide.






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