Demo: Live
An opensource crowd funding platform
Follow along to run app in your local machine
rbenv install 3.1.3
brew install postgresql
bundle install
yarn install
Create or use keys for credentials
# Copy or create the secret, below is example of copying existing keys to respective environments cp master.key config/master.key cp development.key config/credentials/development.key cp production.key config/credentials/production.key
cp .env.example .env
Use SQLite as development database,
bin/rails db:create bin/rails db:migrate
Launch redis
colima start docker-compose up
Seed data
bin/rails db:seed
Launch server
bin/rails server yarn dev # This will launch app in non-SSR mode # Run in SSR mode yarn dev:ssr # Build for SSR yarn build:ssr
cp .env.example .env gem install foreman foreman start -f
bin/rails g rspec:request user
bundle exec rspec
bundle exec rubocop --safe-auto-correct
bundle exec rubocop -A # force - better not use it
fly secrets set -a crostarter RAILS_PRODUCTION_KEY=
access_key_id: '******'
secret_access_key: '******'
secret_key_base: '******'
REDIS_URL: redis://localhost:6379