I'm currently working on my skill set as an Android Engineer. You'll find various apps where I utilize Kotlin features and building UI layouts. I'm mostly brushing up on basic syntax.
- Use Kotlin Coroutines
- Utilize Jetpack Compose in a project
- Utilize Dependency Injection
- ViewBinding for all layouts
- OnClickListeners for buttons
- Intents to send/receive data when navigating between activities
- Different drawables to animate buttons
- The MediaPlayer class to create sound notifications
- RecyclerViews with ViewBinding (more effecient for memory storing & smoother transition scrolling through list views)
- Implement Adapter to RecyclerView with LayoutManager - https://developer.android.com/codelabs/basic-android-kotlin-training-recyclerview-scrollable-list#3
- Implement ARCore SDK (Augmented Reality SDK powered by Google) - https://github.com/SceneView/sceneview-android.git
- Use Retrofit to make HTTP requests to a RESTful API
- Understand what a Model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) is and implement it
- Implement proper callbacks for lifecycle handling within the Activity