MIT Open License, 2022
Creator: River
Periodic Table Source:
(1) Put CEL in your ~ folder
(2) Find your .bashrc file (or .zshrc if you use zshell). It may be in your ~/usr/bin/ or in your /home/usr/ or elsewhere
(3) Add a source by pasting this line somewhere in the document where you can easily locate it: source ~/CEL/
(4) Save the .bashrc or .zshrc file. This line of code makes it so that the content of the file is run every time you open your terminal
After following the installation instructions, simply type the following command into your terminal from any location in your file system: cel-cli
- Print all properties for any element in the terminal
- Print one property of any element at a time (like atomic mass for gold)
I might incorporate Typer (
Print list of all elements
Print list of all elements in any given series (like a list of the Alkaline Earth Metals)
Print list of all elements in a row
Print list of all elements in a group
Add heat capacity
Add electron shells/configurations
Add common polyatomic ions and their properties
Add critical points and triple points
Add state at room temperature
Au = print out all below properties of Gold
name Au = Gold
series Au = print gold's series(Transition Metals)
group Au = print group of gold
row Au = print row of gold
mass Au = print gold molar mass
energy Au = print gold's energy levels
neg Au = print gold's electronegativity
melt Au = print gold's melting point
boil Au = print gold's boiling point
affinity Au = print gold's electron affinity
fion Au = print gold's first ion energy
rad Au = print gold's atomic radius
num Au = print out gold atomic number
# Not Added Yet:
series am, aem, lant, act, trm, ptm, met, rnm, ng = list all the elements in a series
Element Symbol
Element Name:
Atomic Mass(amu):
Energy Levels:
Melting Point(deg C):
Boiling Point(deg C):
Electron Affinity(kj/mol):
First Ion Energy(kj/mol):
Atomic Radius(pm):
Atomic Number:
Element Symbol Element Name: Series: Group: Row: Atomic Mass(amu): Energy Levels: Electronegativity: Melting Point(deg C): Boiling Point(deg C): Electron Affinity(kj/mol): First Ion Energy(kj/mol): Atomic Radius(pm): Atomic Number: