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@weierophinney weierophinney tagged this 29 Jan 22:23
Based on (commit b3b5e07d6dd496b1879c5aa5082da51a36372c3f in this repo)

- 1992: [2.1] Adding simple Laminas/I18n/Loader/Tmx
- 2024: Add HydratingResultSet::toEntityArray()
- 2031: [2.1] Added MongoDB session save handler
- 2080: [2.1] Added a ChromePhp logger
- 2086: [2.1] Module class map cache
- 2100: [2.1] refresh() method in Redirect plugin
- 2105: [2.1] Feature/unidecoder
- 2106: [2.1] Class annotation scanner
- 2125: [2.1] Add hydrator wildcard and new hydrator strategy
- 2129: [2.1] Feature/overrideable di factories
- 2152: [2.1] [WIP] adding basic table view helper
- 2175: [2.1] Add DateSelect and MonthSelect elements
- 2189: [2.1] Added msgpack serializer
- 2190: [2.1] [WIP] Laminas\I18n\Filter\SlugUrl - Made a filter to convert text to
- 2208: [2.1] Update library/Laminas/View/Helper/HeadScript.php
- 2212: [2.1] Feature/uri normalize filter
- 2225: Laminas\Db\Sql : Create NotIn predicate
- 2232: [2.1] Load Messages from other than file
- 2271: [2.1] Ported FingersCrossed handler from monolog to Laminas
- 2288: Allow to create empty option in Select
- 2305: Add support for prev and next link relationships
- 2315: Add MVC service factories for Filters and Validators
- 2316: Add paginator factory & adapter plugin manager
- 2333: Restore mail message from string
- 2339: Laminas-530 Implement PropertyScanner
- 2343: Create Zend Server Monitor Event
- 2367: Convert abstract classes that are only offering static methods
- 2374: Modified Acl/Navigation to be extendable
- 2381: Method Select::from can accept instance of Select as subselect
- 2389: Add plural view helper
- 2396: Rbac component for Laminas
- 2399: Feature/unidecoder new
- 2411: Allow to specify custom pattern for date
- 2414: Added a new validator to check if input is instance of certain class
- 2415: Add plural helper to I18n
- 2417: Allow to render template separately
- 2648: AbstractPluginManager should not respond to...
- 2650: Add view helper and controller plugin to pull the current identity from ...
- 2670: quoteIdentifier() & quoteIdentifierChain() bug
- 2702: Added addUse method in ClassGenerator
- 2704: Functionality/writer plugin manager
- 2706: Feature ini adapter translate
- 2718: Chain authentication storage
- 2774: Fixes zendframework/zend-servicemanager#2745 (generate proper query strings).
- 2783: Added methods to allow access to the routes of the SimpleRouteStack.
- 2794: Feature test phpunit lib
- 2801: Improve Laminas\Code\Scanner\TokenArrayScanner
- 2807: Add buffer handling to HydratingResultSet
- 2809: Allow Laminas\Db\Sql\TableIdentifier in Laminas\Db\Sql\Insert, Update & Delete
- 2812: Catch exceptions thrown during rendering
- 2821: Added event to loadModule().
- 2822: Added the ability for FirePhp to understand 'extras' passed to \Laminas\Log
- 2841: Allow to remove attribute in form element
- 2844: [Server] & [Soap] Typos and docblocks
- 2848: fixing extract behavior of Laminas\Form\Element\Collection and added
  ability to use own fieldset helper within FormCollection-helper
- 2855: add a view event
- 2868: [WIP][Server] Rewrite Reflection API to reuse code from
  Laminas\Code\Reflection API
- 2870: [Code] Add support for @throws, multiple types and typed arrays
- 2875: [InputFilter] Adding hasUnknown and getUnknown methods to detect and get
  unknown inputs
- 2919: Select::where should accept PredicateInterface
- 2927: Add a bunch of traits to Laminas
- 2931: Cache: Now an empty namespace means disabling namespace support
- 2953: [WIP] zendframework/zend-servicemanager#2743 fix docblock @category/@package/@subpackage
- 2989: Decouple Laminas\Db\Sql from concrete Laminas\Db\Adapter implementations
- 2995: service proxies / lazy services
- 3017: Fixing the problem with order and \Laminas\Db\Sql\Expression
- 3028: Added Json support for POST and PUT operations in restful controller.
- 3056: Add pattern & storage cache factory
- 3057: Pull laminas filter compress snappy
- 3078: Allow NodeList to be accessed via array like syntax.
- 3081: Fix for Collection extract method updates targetElement object
- 3106: Added template map generator
- 3189: Added xterm's 256 colors
- 3200: Added ValidatorChain::attach() and ValidatorChain::attachByName() to
  keep consistent with FilterChain
- 3202: Added NTLM authentication support to Laminas\Soap\Client\DotNet.
- 3218: Laminas-Form: Allow Input Filter Preference Over Element Defaults
- 3230: Add Laminas\Stdlib\Hydrator\Strategy\ClosureStrategy
- 3241: Reflection parameter type check
- 3260: Laminas/Di, retriving same shared instance for different extra parameters
- 3261: Fix sendmail key
- 3262:  Allows several translation files for same domain / locale
- 3269: A fix for issue zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3195. Date formats are now used during validation.
- 3272: Support for internationalized .IT domain names
- 3273: Parse docblock indented with tabs
- 3285: Fixed wrong return usage and added @throws docblock
- 3286: remove else in already return early
- 3288: Removed unused variable
- 3292: Added Zend Monitor custom event support
- 3295: Proposing removal of subscription record upon unsubscribe
- 3296: Hotfix zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3046 - set /dev/urandom as entropy file for Session
- 3298: Add PROPFIND Method to Laminas/HTTP/Request
- 3300: Laminas\Config - Fix count after merge
- 3302: Fixed zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3282
- 3303: Fix indentation, add trailing ',' to last element in array
- 3304: Missed the Laminas\Text dependency for Laminas\Mvc in composer.json
- 3307: Fix an issue with inheritance of placeholder registry
- 3313: Fix buffering getTotalSpace
- 3317: Fixed FileGenerator::setUse() to ignore already added uses.
- 3318: Fixed FileGenerator::setUses() to allow passing in array of strings.
- 3320: Change @copyright Year : 2012 with 2013
- 3321: remove relative link in
- 3322: remove copy variable for no reason
- 3324: enhance strlen to improve performance
- 3326: Minor loop improvements
- 3327: Fix indentation
- 3328: pass on the configured format to the DateValidator instead of hardcoding it
- 3329: Fixed DefinitionList::hasMethod()
- 3331: no chaining in form class' bind method
- 3333: Fixed Laminas/Mvc/Router/Http/Segment
- 3340: Add root namespace character
- 3342: change boolean to bool for consistency
- 3345: Update library/Laminas/Form/View/Helper/FormRow.php
- 3352: ClassMethods hydrator and wrong method definition
- 3355: Fix for GitHub issue 2511
- 3356: Laminas session validators
- 3362: Use CamelCase for naming
- 3369: Removed unused variable in Laminas\Json\Decoder.php
- 3386: Adding attributes for a lightweight export
- 3393: [Router] no need to correct ~ in the path encoding
- 3396: change minimal verson of PHPUnit
- 3403: [Laminas-8825] Lower-case lookup for "authorization" header
- 3409: Fix for broken handling of
  Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::shareByDefault = false (Issue zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3408)
- 3410: [composer] Sync replace package list
- 3415: Remove import of Laminas root namespace
- 3423: Issue zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3348 fix
- 3425: German Resources Laminas_Validate.php updated.
- 3429: Add __destruct to SessionManager
- 3430: SessionManager: Throw exception when attempting to setId after the
  session has been started
- 3437: Feature/datetime factory format
- 3438: Add @method tags to the AbstractController
- 3439: Individual shared setting does not override the shareByDefault setting
  of the ServiceManager
- 3443: Adding logic to check module dependencies at module loading time
- 3445: Update library/Laminas/Validator/Hostname.php
- 3452: Hotfix/session mutability
- 3473: remove surplus call deep namespace
- 3477: The display_exceptions config-option is not passed to 404 views.
- 3480: [Validator][zendframework/zend-servicemanager#2538] hostname validator overwrite
- 3484: [zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3055] Remove array to string conversion notice
- 3486: [zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3073] Define filter() in Decompress filter
- 3487: [zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3446] Allow generic traversable configuration to Captcha element
- 3492: Hotfix/random crypt test fail
- 3502: Features/port supermessenger
- 3513: Fixed bug in acl introduced by acca10b6abe74b3ab51890d5cbe0ab8da4fdf7e0
- 3520: Replace all is\_null($value) calls with null === $value
- 3527: Explode validator: allow any value type to be validated
- 3530: The hasACL and hasRole don't check their default member variables
- 3550: Fix for the issue zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3541 - salt size for Encrypt/Decrypt Filter
- 3562: Fix: Calling count() results in infinite loop
- 3563: Laminas\Db: Fix for zendframework/zend-servicemanager#3523 changeset - composer.json and stdlib
- 3571: Correctly parse empty Subject header
- 3575: Fix name of plugin referred to in exception message
- 3579: Some minor fixes in \Laminas\View\Helper\HeadScript() class
- 3593: \Laminas\Json\Server Fix \_getDefaultParams if request-params are an
  associative array
- 3594: Added contstructor to suppressfilter
- 3601: Update Travis to start running tests on PHP 5.5
- 3604: fixed Laminas\Log\Logger::registerErrorHandler() doesn't log previous
Assets 2