This repository shows the possibility of using blockchain technology in the context of a car platooning. It shows how to perform transactions to compensate the first vehicle automatically via the IOTA Tangle. In addition, the current status of the platooning is written to the tangle due to its traceability and transparency. For better illustration, we have implemented this on self-constructed autonomously driving cars that platoons on a defined course and exchange transactions via the IOTA tangle.
In this repository there is Arduino code to let the self-built cars drive autonomously. It also contains NodeJ's code, which manages the platooning and communicates with the IOTA Tangle, listens for transactions and sends transactions.
- Install Compass from
- Open all remote options of IRI set PORT to 14265, enable ZMQ and set the ZMQ_PORT to 5555
- Replace the snapshot.txt with the following line
This allocates all token supply to seed
- Install Angular-CLI
$ npm i @angular/cli
- Setup and install
$ clone
$ cd mobi
$ npm install
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ nano src/config.json
- Configure IPs if you run both platooning participants on one device use otherwise use the respective IPs of the devices
$ nano src/config.json
$ nano frontend/src/app/site/config.json
$ node src/passivePlatooning.js
$ node src/activePlatooning.js
$ cd frontend
$ ng serve
Now you are able to simulate the platooning payments on your browser. For simplicity you control both participants
Nicolas Ruhland - Arduino - langarmjonny
Jonas Brügmann - mental support - JB-Bruegmann
Matthias Babel - Everything else - MatthiasBabel