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A modern, simple and intuitive front-end for users of Cyclos


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Cyclos 4 user interface


This project aims to create a modern, simple and intuitive user interface for Cyclos version 4.11 and up. The interface should be easy to customize and add functionality needed by specific projects.

The initial planned scope is to have only end-user functionality in this application. Administration functionality will still be available in Cyclos' default web interface.

Technical details

  • This application is built using Angular and Bootstrap, using the ngx-bootstrap integration library;
  • It uses Cyclos' REST API for integration. The ng-openapi-gen project is used to generate the client services and web service models. Starting with Cyclos 4.12, the API will be described using OpenAPI 3 instead of Swagger 2. But a copy of the Cyclos 12 OpenAPI 3 descriptor (which is backwards compatible with 4.11) is already committed in this repository, and is used to generate the services;
  • Translations are done separatedly from the Cyclos installation. This way they cannot be customized in Cyclos, but allows the user interface to grow independently from the deployed Cyclos version;
  • Requests to the Cyclos server are performed directly from the browser. That means that either this front-end should be deployed in the same domain as Cyclos, or CORS should be enabled in Cyclos by setting cyclos.cors.origin = <cyclos4-ui-domain> in the file;
  • If you intent to customize or extend the functionality of this frontend, please, refer to the project Wiki. There you will find some useful documentatiton.

Implemented functionality

As of version 1.0, this frontend implements the following functionality:

  • User access: login, logout, forgot password, login with expired password, login with pending agreements (no support for secondary access password);
  • Account history, transfer details;
  • Perform payment both to user and system, supports direct, scheduled and recurring payments, indicates if a payment needs authorization;
  • Search scheduled / recurring / authorized payments;
  • Search users (called business directory, as most systems only allow searching businesses);
  • View user profile, with a few actions (perform payment and add to contact list);
  • Contact list;
  • Manage passwords (change, generate new, unblock, disable / enable);
  • Edit own profile (images, basic / custom fields, phones, addresses and additional contact information);
  • Public user registration;
  • Search advertisements, advertisement details (no shopping cart so far).

More functionality will be added in future versions.


  • Cyclos version 4.11.2+ (for the backend);
  • NodeJS version 8+;
  • NPM version 5+.

Getting and preparing the code

First, make sure you have cloned the repository, the current working directory is cyclos4-ui and the NPM dependencies are installed (might take a while the first time to download all dependencies):

git clone
cd cyclos4-ui
npm install

The project will not compile yet because it depends on classes which are generated by ng-swagger-gen.

Setting the Cyclos server URL

On the src/environments/configuration.ts you will find the file that needs to be configured for your project. The most important settings are the following:

// The root URL for the API. Either 'api' when using a proxy, or the full URL (with protocol) to the Cyclos backend, ending with /api. See below on 'Access to the API backend'.
const API_URL = 'http://localhost:8888/api';
// Application title
const APP_TITLE = 'Cyclos Local';
// Application title on small devices (constrained space)
const APP_TITLE_SMALL = 'Cyclos';
// The application title displayed on the title bar inside the menu on small devices
const APP_TITLE_MENU = 'Cyclos menu';


To start the development server, with hot reload, which should be accessible at http://localhost:4200/, run the following command:

npm start


Once you have the configuration set, you can build the user interface by typing:

npm run build

After the build process (which can take a few minutes) you will have the dist directory containing the resources that should be deployed to your web server (Apache, Nginx, etc).

Angular assumes the application is deployed in the root path of your domain. For example, this is the case for If this is not the case, such as you need to pass in the path name to Angular at compilation time, like:

# Replace /path/ with your base path. Don't forget both leading and trailing slashes.
npm run build -- --base-href /path/

Deploying to the server

Angular, by default, uses HTML5's history.pushState method, which produces URLs with paths which are undistinguishable from regular nested paths, but without producing a new request. Besides producing natural URLs, this method allows future expansions, such as using server-side rendering.

In order to correctly support the application, the server must also respond to deep links, even if they don't physically exist on the server. For example, if the frontend is deployed on, and the user clicks on the pay user menu, he will see the URL However, there is no banking/payment directory in the generated folder (dist). Without specific configuration, clicking directly on that link, or refreshing the browser page while in this URL would present a 404 error page.

To solve this problem the server must include the index.html content on any request to files that don't physically exist on the server. For Apache, make sure the mod_rewrite is enabled, and the following configuration is applied:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteBase /
  RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule . /index.html [L]

However, if the application is deployed in a sub path, then both RewriteBase and RewriteRule must be changed, like this (assuming /path):

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteBase /path/
  RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule . /path/index.html [L]

If you deploy on another HTTP server, please consult its documentation on how to achieve a similar result.

Access to the API backend

There are 2 alternatives for the frontend application to access the Cyclos backend:

  • Using CORS: The browser perform requests directly to the backend;
  • Proxying the api directory: The HTTP server has a directory named api (must be this name!) proxying requests to the backend.

The CORS approach is faster / easier to deploy. In order for it to work, on the Cyclos backend's file, set the cyclos.cors.origin to either * (any URL, not recommended for production) or to specific URLs (comma-separated list of allowed URLs). However, this approach has a drawback that before each actual request, the browser needs to send a preflight request, to ensure the actual request is allowed, because the Cyclos backend and the frontend run on different domains.

The second approach exposes a directory called api in the frontend application. For the browser, that directory is in the same domain as the frontend application itself. On the backend, the HTTP server (for example, Apache) will proxy all requests to /api to the Cyclos backend, which probably runs on the same server / datacenter. To do so, in Apache, make sure the mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http modules are enabled. Then apply the following configuration, replacing http://localhost:8888/api with the correct backend URL (don't forget to include the /api in the end):

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
  ProxyPass "/api"  "http://localhost:8888/api" keepalive=On connectiontimeout=10 timeout=60
  ProxyPassReverse "/api"  "http://localhost:8888/api"

Alternatively, if the frontend is deployed in a sub path, the path must be specified:

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
  ProxyPass "/path/api"  "http://localhost:8888/api" keepalive=On connectiontimeout=10 timeout=60
  ProxyPassReverse "/path/api"  "http://localhost:8888/api"

Note that it is important to set keepalive=On for server-sent events to work. It is also recommented to have a timeout larger than 40 seconds, which is the time Cyclos keeps open event stream connections.

For other HTTP servers, please, consult their documentation on how to achieve the same result.

Improving performance on the HTTP server

Angular generates some large, yet minified, JavaScript and CSS files. Two techniques can make loading the page much faster:

  • Compression: Compresses the files when sending them to the client;
  • Cache: Clients don't need to fetch again unchanged files.

These should be enabled on the web server. On Apache, the following configuration can be applied:

  <IfModule mod_deflate.c>
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
  <IfModule mod_expires.c>
    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresByType image/* "access plus 1 days"
    ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 year"
    ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 year"

It is safe to set a very large expiration date for CSS / JavaScript files because we explicitly enable the hashing on generated file names, making the file name change whenever the content changes.

Generating links on the Cyclos backend that point to the frontend

Cyclos generates some links which are sent by e-mail to users. Examples include the e-mail to validate a registration, or some notification. It is desired that when the user clicks on such links, he is forwarded to the deployed front-end application, not to the Cyclos default web interface.

To achieve this, Cyclos allows using a script to generate links. As a global administrator (which may be switched to the network), in 'System > Tools > Script', create a script of type 'Link generation', with the following content:

import org.cyclos.impl.utils.LinkType

if (user != null && user.admin) {
    // Don't generate custom links for admins
    return null

String root = scriptParameters.rootUrl
switch (type) {
        return "${root}/users/validate-registration/${validationKey}"
    case LinkType.EMAIL_CHANGE:
        return "${root}/users/validate-email-change/${validationKey}"
    case LinkType.FORGOT_PASSWORD:
        return "${root}/forgot-password/${validationKey}"
    case LinkType.LOGIN:
        return "${root}/login"
// Other link types are not yet handled in the the frontend
return null

Then, in 'System > System configuration > Configurations' select the configuration applied to users (or the default one) and mark the 'Link generation' field for customization. Then select the script you created and set the following as parameters, replacing the URL with your deployed URL:

rootUrl =

Customizing layout

There are basically 2 areas where the layout can be customized: modifying the style (CSS) and modifying the configuration.

Customizing the style

The layout is built using Bootstrap 4. Bootstrap allows customizing several variables in SASS.

The main file to define these is src/_definitions.scss. The most visible changes are the $primary and $secondary variables, which defines the main colors which are shown in the layout.

It is possible to change the font, by replacing the $font-import-url variable by an URL (for example, from Google Fonts) and then the $font-family-sans-serif to actually set the font. The default font is Roboto, Android's default font. It is widely used, but lacks support to some character sets. If you use Cyclos in a language that has glyphs not covered by Roboto, you can use, for example, Noto Sans. Just take care that the default font weight for bolds used in the frontend is 500, which is not available in Noto Sans. If switching, also change the $font-weight-bold to 700.

You can also create custom styles for the application. To do so, just edit the src/custom.scss file. This is a SASS file, which is a superset of the standard CSS.

Layout configuration

Currently the Cyclos frontend offers the following options in the configuration for layout: Whether to show the menu on desktop on the top bar on in a separated bar, and advertisement category icon customization. They are set in the src/environments/configuration.ts file.

By default, on desktop resolutions, the menu is displayed in a separated bar, below the top bar. An alternative is to have the menu displayed in the top bar itself. To configure this, just set the MENU_BAR constant to true.

It is also possible to customize the advertisements category icons, which are shown when selecting the marketplace menu item. It is recommended that all the root advertisement categories in Cyclos have an internal name. Then, customize the AD_CATEGORIES constant in the configuration.ts file. By root category internal name, it is possible to set a fixed icon and color. The default matches the categories created by default when creating a network in Cyclos via the wizard, which is:

const AD_CATEGORIES: { [internalName: string]: AdCategoryConfiguration } = {
  'community': { icon: 'people', color: '#2196f3' },
  'food': { icon: 'restaurant', color: '#f04d4e' },
  'goods': { icon: 'pages', color: '#ff9700' },
  'housing': { icon: 'location_city', color: '#029487' },
  'jobs': { icon: 'work', color: '#8062b3' },
  'labor': { icon: 'business', color: '#de3eaa' },
  'leisure': { icon: 'mood', color: '#687ebd' },
  'services': { icon: 'room_service', color: '#8ec63f' }

Customizing content

The Cyclos frontend supports several kinds of content that can be customized:

  • The home page, shown for guests;
  • Content pages, which are custom pages that show up in the menu;
  • Custom content in the dashboard;
  • Banners, shown on desktop layout.

Customizing these contents require a bit of programming in TypeScript. So, using an editor with strong support for the TypeScript language (such as Visual Studio Code) is recommended.

The src/environments/configuration.ts file is the one that centralizes all content configuration. Mostly, the following are the relevant:

// The home page shown for guests
const HOME_PAGE: ContentWithLayout = {
  content: ContentGetter.url('content/home.html')

// Dashboard resolver
const DASHBOARD_RESOLVER = new DefaultDashboardResolver();

// Content pages resolver

// Banner cards resolver

By default, the file content/home.html is used to generate the home content. Either it can be customized, or a different strategy can be used to obtain the content page, through a ContentGetter. More on this subject is presented ahead. Also, by default, there are no custom content pages or banners.

Every content implement the Content interface (defined in src/app/content/content.ts) which has a property called content. It can either be a string, with the static content (compiled in the code), or a ContentGetter, which is able to fetch content from an external source. There are the following built-in ContentGetter implementations:

  • ContentGetter.url(url): Performs an HTTP GET request and resolves the content body;
  • ContentGetter.iframe(url): Includes a given page in an IFrame. To make the iframe adjust to the content of the contained page, uses the iframe-resizer library, which works even across domains. The requirement is that the loaded page includes the following JavaScript:;
  • ContentGetter.cyclosPage(url): Fetches the content of a Cyclos floating page, created in 'Content' > 'Content management' > 'Menu and pages'. From there, select a configuration (if multiple), create a new Floating page and, after saving it, copy the URL. That URL is the parameter to be passed as parameter. This implemnentation uses Cyclos' WEB-RPC mechanism to fetch the content, using the following URL: <root>/web-rpc/menuEntry/menuItemDetails/<id>. As such, it is also possible to setup a proxy for the /web-rpc/menuEntry/menuItemDetails/ path, similar to the proxy to /api (as described above), and using a relative URL. Example: /menuItemDetails/* is proxied to <root>/web-rpc/menuEntry/menuItemDetails/*. In such case, the parameter would be menuItemDetails/<id>.

When content has a cacheKey, it is cached locally in the browser, by default, for 1 hour. It is possible to change the cacheSeconds property to the desired number. If set to a negative number, the cache will never expire. The cache uses the browser local storage, so clearing the browser cache won't invalidade cached content. Instead, to locally remove cached content, browsers offer ways to remove website data.

The content object defining the home page is a ContentWithLayout, which also adds the following:

  • layout: Can be either full, indicating that the content takes the entire available width and height, or card, in which case the content is shown inside a regular box, optionally with a title. When not set will be either full or card depending on whether there's a title or not;
  • title: The title used when layout is card.

So, fetching content for the home page is straightforward. Content pages and banners, on the other hand, require a bit more work, as described below.

Content pages

Custom content pages can be very useful for projects that want to add a manual, some additional information pages, simple contact forms and so on. They are available both for guests and logged users, and in case of logged users, can be placed in a dedicated root menu item (internally called content) or in some other root menu (banking, marketplace or personal). Important: For logged users, if there is at least one visible content page with full layout, the root menu will be a dropdown, as the left menu will not be shown on full layout. However, if all pages for logged users use the card layout, then a side menu will be shown. For guests we never show a left menu, so the content menu is always a dropdown.

To enable content pages you must create an implementation of the ContentPagesResolver interface, defined in src/app/content/content-pages-resolver.ts. It has a single method called resolveContentPages, receiving the The Angular injector reference (used to obtain shared services) and must return either a ContentPage[] or an observable of it. Then, in the configuration.ts file, create an instance of that class, assigning it to the CONTENT_PAGES_RESOLVER constant (which is set to null by default), like this:

// ...
import { ExampleContentPagesResolver } from './example-content-pages-resolver';
// ...
// Content pages resolver
const CONTENT_PAGES_RESOLVER = new ExampleContentPagesResolver();

Each content page, defined in src/app/content/content-page.ts extend ContentWithLayout, and add a few other important fields:

  • slug: A part of the URL which is used to identify this content page. When not set, one is generated, but it is recommended to always set one;
  • label: The label displayed on the menu. Can be shorter than the title. When not set, will be the same as the title;
  • icon: A custom icon for this page on the menu;
  • loggedUsers: Indicates whether this page is shown to logged users, yes by default;
  • guests: Indicates whether this page is shown to guests, yes by default;
  • rootMenu: Indicates that this page is shown in another root menu instead of the default (Information). Can be either content (default), banking, marketplace or personal.

Here are are some examples: one that uses some static pages and one that fetches pages from a Wordpress instance (needs the full URL to the REST API as constructor argument).


Banners are shown in cards (boxes) below the left menu in the large layout. No banners are ever shown in mobile or in the dashboard page. Each card has one or more banners. When there are multiple banners, they will rotate after a given number of seconds.

To use banners you must create an implementation of the BannerCardsResolver interface, defined in src/app/content/banner-cards-resolver.ts. It has a single method called resolveCards, receiving the The Angular injector reference (used to obtain shared services) and must return either a BannerCard[] or an observable of it. Then, in the configuration.ts file, create an instance of that class, assigning it to the BANNER_CARDS_RESOLVER constant (which is set to null by default), like this:

// ...
import { ExampleBannerCardsResolver } from './example-banner-cards-resolver';
// ...
// Banner cards resolver
const BANNER_CARDS_RESOLVER = new ExampleBannerCardsResolver();

The BannerCard interface, defined in src/app/content/banner-card.ts) has the following properties:

  • banners: Which banners to show. Can be either an array of Banners or an observable of it. This is the only required property. More on the Banner interface below;
  • loggedUsers: Indicates whether this card shows up for logged users, yes by default;
  • guests: Indicates whether this card shows up for guests, no by default;
  • rootMenus: Indicates on which root menus this card shows up. By default will be shown on all except home / dashboard. Note that there are distinct root menus for the advertisements / users directory for guests and marketplace for logged users, see the src/app/shared/menu.ts file for more details;
  • menus: Indicates on which specific menus this card shows up. By default will be shown on all except home / dashboard;
  • ngClass / ngStyle: Data passed to Angular's ngClass and ngStyle attributes on the card element. Useful, for example, to remove the border and padding around banners, set ngClass to ['border-0', 'p-0']. Also, to make a banner card have a dark background and light text, set ngClass to ['background-dark', 'text-light'].

The Banner interface (defined in src/app/content/banner.ts) extends Content, thus, retaining the content field which is either a string or a ContentGetter and local cache capabilities. It also adds the following properties:

  • timeout: When there are multiple banners in the card, represents the number of seconds, 10 by default, before changing to the next banner;
  • link: Can be set to an URL to which the user navigates when clicking the banner. Can both be an internal URL, starting with /, or external URL, starting with the scheme (https / http). By default, the banner has no link;
  • linkTarget: When set, is the target attribute of the <a> tag used to create the banner link. If set to _blank will open the link in a new tab / window.

There is an example BannerCardsResolver here.

Customizing the dashboard

The dashboard is the home page for logged users. It contains several items that present useful information for users. Each item is an independent component that can be customized. Also, each item can be enabled only for some resolution breakpoints, namely:

  • xxs: Very small displays, such as KaiOS' smart feature phones;
  • xs: Mobile devices / very small browser windows;
  • sm: Tablets in portrait mode / small desktop windows;
  • md: Tablets in landscape mode / medium desktop windows;
  • lg: Desktop browsers with not-so-large resolutions;
  • xg: Desktop browsers with large resolutions.

Also, greater-than and lower-than variations are available: gt-xxs (xxs or greater) up to gt-lg, as well as lt-xg up to lt-xs.

The following dashboard items are available:

  • Quick access: Presents a list with links to common actions. Each link has an icon and a label. Allows specifying which links are shown and on which resolution breakpoints they are shown;
  • Account status: Shows relevant data for an account, namely the current balance, a chart with the account balance over the last few months and a list with the last incoming transfers. Also has a button to view the account history;
  • Latest advertisements: Shows some of the lastest advertisements;
  • Latest users: Shows some of the users that have been activated last;
  • Content: Shows a custom content.

The default dashboard is comprised of:

  • Quick access on all breakpoints, but only showing account links for lt-md, as larger breakpoints will have a dedicated account status item;
  • Account status for each account the logged user has, only for breakpoint gt-sm;
  • Latest advertisements, only for breakpoint gt-sm;
  • A content page, showing a sample events static page, on all breakpoints.

To customize the dashboard, make a copy of the src/environments/default-dashboard-resolver.ts file to another file, then customize the resolveItems method. Finally, set its reference in the configuration, like:

// ...
import { CustomDashboardResolver } from './custom-dashboard-resolver';
// ...
// Dashboard resolver
const DASHBOARD_RESOLVER = new CustomDashboardResolver();

Creating links to other pages

When linking to other pages from a custom page, special care is needed to not trigger a full page reload, as simply assigning a new URL would make the browser reload the entire application, hurting the user experience.

For that matter, the frontend registers a JavaScript function navigate(url|anchor, event). It should be called on the anchor's onclick event, like the following example:

You can login <a href="/login" onclick="navigate(this, event)">here</a>.

Note that using this method will have the same effect as clicking on the corresponding menu entry. So, the above example will only take the user to the login page if viewing it as guest. If viewing as logged user, the user will actually be taken to the dashboard. This method also takes care of highlighting the correct menu item.


This application doesn't uses Angular's built-in I18N because it is very static, requiring a translated copy of the application to be built for each supported language. Instead, the Cyclos frontend uses ng-translation-gen, so the translation keys are read from a JSON file, and generate TypeScript classes which are used on the application. Then, in runtime, the translated JSON is set, which allows dynamic translations.

Most systems are single language. In that case, it is recommended to set the translations value statically, so a separated request to fetch the translations is not needed. To do so, in the src/environments/configuration.ts, comment the line with const STATIC_TRANSLATIONS = null; set the STATIC_LOCALE to the actual locale and import the translations as STATIC_TRANSLATIONS, like the following:

const STATIC_LOCALE = 'en';
import STATIC_TRANSLATIONS from 'locale/cyclos4-ui.json';


const STATIC_LOCALE = 'pt_BR';
import STATIC_TRANSLATIONS from 'locale/cyclos4-ui.pt_BR.json';

For systems that are multi language, where each user can have distinct languages, just leave both STATIC_LOCALE and STATIC_TRANSLATIONS set to null, which is the default. In this case, the language used by user in Cyclos will be the one used to fetch the translations in the front-end.

To add a translation to a new language locally, simply add the locale to the locales array in ng-translation-gen.json. Then, to create the file with defaults, or import new translation keys, run npm run merge-translations. Then, either reference it as a static translation, or, if the locale matches the language set in Cyclos, it will be automatically used.

The official translations are done in If you want to help translating the Cyclos frontend, login to Crowdin and request permission for the project. It has an integration with GitHub, so translations done in Crowdin will be automatically applied to the project.


A modern, simple and intuitive front-end for users of Cyclos







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  • TypeScript 68.9%
  • HTML 24.9%
  • CSS 6.0%
  • JavaScript 0.2%