LCD Gallery is a game for Thumby devices inspired by classic LCD handheld games. It includes the following three games:
You must brave the magic platforms to retrieve the Helmet of Ultimate Power and return it to solid ground. Unfortunately, you're trapped in a sisyphean nightmare and must do this over and over again.
- Move from the left side of the screen to the right to retrieve the helmet by hopping along the platforms.
- The magic platforms will periodically begin to vanish and then reappear. If you are jumping on or standing on a platform which has vanished, you will fall and lose a life.
- The middle platform is a safe zone and will not vanish.
- After you leave the cliff, you can't go back until you get the helmet.
- The helmet will hover up and down; you can only grab it when it's low enough.
- Once you get the helmet, make your way back to the cliff to return it.
- New lives will be awarded at 100, 200, 300, 600, and 1000 points.
- The speed at which platforms vanish will increase as points increase; every 200 points this will reset.
- Grabbing the helmet will award 3 points.
- Successfully making it back to the cliff will award between 4 and 14 points depending on how long it takes you.
- Left: Move left
- A: Move right
It's a classic quick-draw shootout, with a twist! Use your special space-age blaster gun to take down your opponent!
- After the countdown, numbers will appear above you and the computer player. Whoever has the larger number must try to shoot; whoever has the smaller number must try to dodge. In event of a tie, whoever shoots first wins.
- Each player starts with 100 hit points. The bars on the left and right show your health and the computer player's health, respectively.
- The player who is shot will take damage equal to two times the other player's number.
- The game will end when you run out of hit points.
- When the computer opponent runs out of hit points, you will be awarded bonus points, you will heal by 30 hit points, and a new computer opponent will appear.
- The computer player will react after a random time interval; you should try to react before him.
- If you are supposed to shoot and you dodge instead, you will fall over and take 8 points of damage (except in the event of a tie).
- If both players draw a 0, a tie results and a new round will begin.
- On dodging the computer player's shot, 2 points are awarded.
- On successfully shooting the computer player, 3 points are awarded.
- On defeating a computer opponent, 40 points are awarded.
- Left: Dodge
- A: Shoot
Look at these things! I don't know what they are, but if you drop them you're fired.
- Move the paddle into position before a thing falls to hit it back up into the air.
- The height that items begin to fall back down can vary.
- The thing on the right will sometimes get stuck in a wandering bubble; when this happens it won't fall down until the bubble pops.
- New lives will be awarded at 100, 200, 400, 600, and 1000 points.
- Each hit awards 1 point.
- When gaining a new life, 10 bonus points are awarded.
- Left: Move left
- A: Move right
During any game, hold Down + B to enter the pause menu.
This game system contains precision electronics; do not expose it to extreme temperatures, moisture, or solvents. Ensure sufficient battery power is provided.