Revision notes, links and docs for the Magento Front End Developer Certification exam.
Exam proportion: 7%.
1.1 Create custom themes
//: # (For create a theme (exemple : mypackage) you need to create the following :)
//: # (app/design/mypackage/default/layout
//: # (app/design/mypackage/default/template
//: # (app/design/mypackage/default/locale
//: # (&)
//: # (skin/frontend/mypackage/default/css
//: # (skin/frontend/mypackage/default/images
//: # (skin/frontend/mypackage/default/js
//: # (Next create a local.xml in layout for update or change default theme layout. )
//: # (app/design/mypackage/default/layout/local.xml
//: # (> Never touch the base/default
you need it for the fallback system)
//: # ()
1.2 Configure design fallback using the options found on the admin panel under System > Configuration > Design
1.2.1 Design Package
1.2.2 Default Theme
1.2.3 Type-specific Themes
1.2.4 Design exceptions
1.3 Apply a temporary theme configuration to a store view using the options found in the Admin panel under System > Design
1.4 Understand the difference and similarities between System > Configuration > Design and System > Design to configure the design fallback
Links :
- Creating a Magento theme from scratch
- Magento Fallback Configuration
- Custom design fallbacks in Magento
Exam proportion: (19%)
2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of all layout XML directives (layout handles, block, reference, action, remove, update and label)
2.2 Define an output block
2.3 Use a local.xml Files
2.4 Understand layout merging
2.5 Understand processing order of layout handles and other directives
2.6 Set values on block instances using layout XML
2.7 Move a child block from one parent to another using layout XML
2.8 Specify the root template for all pages or for specific pages
Links :
- Magento Layout XML Part 1
- Magento Layout XML Part 2
- Using local.xml for overriding or updating xml structure
- Layout XML Directives – Handles, Block, Reference, Action, Remove, Update
- Use a Local.xml File
Exam proportion: (16%)
3.1 Assign a customized template file using layout XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/template_file.phtml</template></action>
3.2 Override a native template file with a customized template file, using the design fallback
Same as theme fallback
3.3 Describe conventions used in templates files :
3.3.1 Variable naming(_prefix for variables declared in a template)
3.3.2 PHP loop and block construct (for example: if(..): endif;)
3.3.3 Opening and closing PHP tags ( <?php vs <?, <% and others)
Links :
Exam proportion: (11%)
4.1 Declare a custon template using a core/template block via layout XML with a custom template, and output it as a child of a structural block or of a template block
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<reference name="header">
<block type="core/template" name="customblock" as="customblock" template="customblock/customblock.phtml"/>
4.2 Understand the differences between structural and content blocks
4.3 Assign a default root template on all pages
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/1column.phtml</template></action>
4.4 Assign a root template on a specific pages
Exemple catalog category pages :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>
4.5 Demostrate the use of core/text_list blocks
: Some blocks like content, left, right etc. are of type core/text_list. When these blocks are rendered, all their child blocks are rendered automatically without the need to call the getChildHtml()
Links :
- Layout Element – . Block Type. Define an Output Block
- The most misunderstood concept in Magento
- Custom Block Development in Magento
- Add a New Reference in Magento
Exam proportion: (7%)
5.1 Describe the contents of the app/design and skin/directory branches and why they are separated
directory – Files that control how the page templates are renderedSkin
directory – Files that control the visual aspects of the theme—CSS, images, etc
Magento breaks its theme files into separate directories like this to allow you more control over the security level of each directory on your server. The files in the skin directory need to be accessible to web browsers and need a very open permission setting. The files in the app/design directory only need to be accessible to the app and can be locked down further.
5.2 Describe the general directory hierarchy format under app/design and the skin
Links :
Exam proportion: (8%)
6.1 Include custom JavaScript on all pages
<reference name="head">
<!-- js/path/file.js -->
<action method="addJs"><script>path/file.js</script></action>
<!-- Or -->
<!-- skin/frontend/package/theme/js/path/file.js -->
<action method="addItem"><type>skin_js</type><name>js/path/file.js</name></action>
6.2 Include custom JavaScript on specific pages
<reference name="head">
<!-- js/path/file.js -->
<action method="addJs"><script>path/file.js</script></action>
<!-- Or -->
<!-- skin/frontend/package/theme/js/path/file.js -->
<action method="addItem"><type>skin_js</type><name>js/path/file.js</name></action>
6.3 Demonstrate understanding of using prototype.js
6.4 Override core JavaScript classes (without overriding core JavaScript files)
addMethods() see prototype.js doc
6.5 Configure JavaScript merging in the Admin panel
System/configuration/Advanced (Developper)
Links :
- Prototype.js
- Prototype.js for jQuery Afficionados
- Extending javascript methods Magento way
- JavaScript translations (translate.js)
Exam proportion: (9%)
7.1 CSS2
7.2 CSS Merging
System/configuration/Advanced (Developper)
7.3 CSS Compression
7.4 Other CSS skills
Links :
- CSS Specificity: Things You Should Know
- 15 Tips to Speed Up Your Website
- CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space
- Understanding Style Precedence in CSS: Specificity, Inheritance, and the Cascade
Exam proportion: (12%)
Exam proportion: (6%)
Links :
Exam proportion: (4%)
10.1 Create and change translations
10.1.1 Understand the prioritization of translations methods
- Theme locale translate.csv file
- The database table core_translate
10.1.2 Understand the pros and the cons of applying translations via the translate.csv file versus the core_translate table
10.1.3 Understand how to apply a module scope to a translation
10.1.4 Understand the inline translation feature
10.2 Configure time zones and locale settings using the Admin panel
10.3 Configure currencies
Links :