🔭 I'm currently working on Mobile Apps Development Skills.
👫 I'm looking to collaborate on Flutter Projects.
🌱 I'm currently learning ML.NET.
☁️ Ask me about app development and more.
⚡ Fun Fact: I'm just a learner, exploring everything!
created a simple Android library for port scanning and finding the number of devices connected to a network. Check it out here: PortScan
developed a package called "ShareApk" that makes it easy to share your APK files through the network using Android devices. Check it out on pub.dev
created a simple utility app that allows you to:
- Open WhatsApp numbers directly without saving them as contacts.
- Take notes and keep them organized.
- Perform port scanning.
- Host your site.
Check it out on GitHub
Let's collaborate and create beautiful repositories and profiles based on these projects! Feel free to explore them, and if you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy coding! 🚀