Technologies Used:
- Solidity
- Javascript
- Hardhat
- Remix IDE
- Alchemy
- Metamask
Laugh Portal is a very basic decentralized application.
The address of the Smart Contract is 0xE48431765402fD1d27C650f2592FA3D23F9574fA and can be found on the Goerli Testnet of the Ethereum network.
Its most basic functionality is to allow users sign transactions and send them as laugh emojis with any desirable messages of their choice. Also allows for an automated system, designed to send ether(ETH) as a gift to any random user or address on the network.
Herein lies the functionalities available to all users on the platform.
The NewLaugh Event - This event is triggered each time a user on the platform sends a laugh emoji and message. The details on each trigger is of three parameters namely from, timestamp and message. The "from" indicates the address that is signing and sending a message, the "timestamp" shows the time in which the message and laugh was signed, and lastly, the "message" is a copy of the message that was sent by the user.
The laugh() Function - This function represents the main functionality of the platform, it takes one parameter called message (see NewLaugh). The function is called when the user intends to send a message unto the platform. It has a security check that prevents users from sending more than one message in 24 hours, and also sets the randomness of how the contract sends ether to a user or address.
The getAllLaughs() Function - This function simply returns an array of all the laugh emojis and their designated messages.
The getTotalLaughs() Function - This function returns a total number of all the laughs that has been signed.