Check out the API Documentation:
Stable Version 1.3.2
- Node.js >= 8
- Redis >= 4
- Create a new multithread Node.js server with Pug templating with 8 threads (Ruby on Rails has 5 for their server's scalibity)
- Setup your own database (any SQL database or MongoDB)
- Generate new api controllers
- Generate new api versions
- Creates automatic API documentation for endpoints on creation with no extra configuration
- Creates automatic unit tests for endpoints on creation with no extra configuration
- Generate new pages with assets with a custom route with code splitting
- Use serverside React or Vanilla JS (JQuery, etc.)
- Generate server side Angular 4 Application
- Generate server side Vue Application
// brew install redis
// Must have redis running on default port 6379: redis-server
npm i -g rails-on-node
npm i -g sequelize-cli
npm i -g mongoose-model-cli
node-rails create <Your project>
node-rails setup-data-base <Your database type [sql *or* mongodb]>
node-rails new-api-controller users
node-rails new-page blogs '/blogs' // Add new route
npm install
npm run build:prod
npm start
// For all commands
// For a single command
node-rails <command-name> --help