- Host PGDB server in your local. Edit the credentials in the configs/pgdb-dev.yml for establishing a PGDB client. This is a dependency requirement for the project.
- Replace ApiKey field in configs/scraper-dev.yml with your youtubeV3 api key/s.
- Run server/server.go which is the main for this project. Build's working directory shoud be $GOPATH\src\github.com\lazywitt\youtubetrending
- Completing the above steps will trigger the youtube scraper in background and will expose an http server at localhost:4000
GO project consists of 3 service packages -
- dbService is dao level service interacting with PGDB to perform CRUD operations
- this service interacts with the official youtube v3 api and stores the retreived data into the PGDB every 10 seconds
- fetchService is the top layer which exposes the two core api's which are Paginated response, search Video
- this service also exposes an http server on top of service layer to expose 2 endpoints for providing REST interface.
token field may also be left empty. The response json will provide with a new token. Expect empty token in case there are no pages left to serve.
REQUEST - { "token": "asf0faz" }
REQUEST - { "searchkey": "ronaldo shooting" }
Multiple api key support is implemented by combining multiple api keys together like this - "apiKey1, apiKey2"
Text search is performed using to_tsvector queries with support for jumbled search, optimised via GIN index.
- Example: searching for "new hat" will match "hat in new york" and "old hat and new hat" both. match token are being created with a combination of both title and description.
- dockerise