Crab is a Modular Rigging tool for Autodesk Maya. It allows a user to construct rigs from components (examples of components might be an arm, spine, leg, singular bone etc). Each component is formed of a contionous skeletal structure (using joints) from which a control rig is built over the top.
There is then the concept of Behaviours which can be thought of as modifiers over a control which allow for rich rig behaviours to be constructed across component boundries.
The end result is a rigging framework which is capable of generating deformation and control rigs suitable for most standard game engines (such as Unreal and Unity).
Furthermore Crab offers tools to assist in the process of rigging along with a suite of tools geared toward the animator when interacting and animating a Crab rig.
This should be considered Pre-Release at this stage and comes packaged with only two components and one behaviour for experimentation purposes.
This has a dependency on qute and factories. Both of which are available on either or
There are three types of users who are likely to utilise crab, these being Riggers; Animators and Developers. Each of these users requires different information, therefore this page has been split into three parts:
* Rigging With Crab
* Crab Animation Tools
* Extending Crab
The easiest way to use crab is to download the crab directory from this github page, and unzip the file into your Maya Scripts Location which will likely be on a path similar to this:
Once you have unziped the file to that location you should launch maya and run the following:
import crab
Running this should show you the Crab Rigging UI. Alternatively if you want to launch the animation interface you should run:
import crab
Providing the interfaces launch, crab has been successfully installed.
Crab aims to make rigging easier and less repetative. It does this by utilising a library of components which generate parts of a rig which can be hooked together.
Before diving into the rigging process with Crab its worth taking a moment to familiarise yourself with the preconceptions and standards Crab has.
Crab enforces a strict naming convention. This is utilised to create consistency between nodes regardless of the component which generated them - which ultimately makes for a more familiar user experience as well as easier debugging. The naming convention used follows this structure:
TYPE and SIDE are always upper case and DESCRIPTION is always upper camel case. COUNTER is a number used to prevent name clashes.
Below is a list of names to give context to this convention:
The idea behind this convention is twofold. Firstly it creates a naming form which is easily parsable and therefore makes it easy for anyone to throw together quick selection scripts.
Secondly its a convention which strives to make it very clear at-a-glance what something is, as each part stands out from the preceeding and following parts.
Note: This naming convention ensures that the name of a node never
ends with a number. Therefore if you ever see a DAG node with a number
at the end it implies a build failure or bug with a component.
All the mark up for the TYPE and SIDE parts of a naming convention
are defined in the file crab.config
When editing and building a Rig using crab there is an assumption that there will only ever be one rig present in the scene. This is to ensure stability during the build process and that all objects are named consistently and reliably.
This does not affect how many rigs your reference into a scene when animating.
To create a rig, launch the Creator tool using crab.creator.launch()
By default you will not see any available components - as there is no rig
to add components to. Click the New Rig button and you will be prompted
to give a name for your rig. The name is not of great importance and is
simply used for the naming of the main root node (which you can manually
edit if you need to).
Once the rig node is created the UI will auto-populate with all the components available to you.
This process is probably where you will spend most of your time as the skeleton creation process is where you get to decide what parts your rig will be made up from as well as giving you the chance to proportion your rig.
To create a skeletal component simply select a component from the
component list and then click the add button. This will generate
the given component as a child of whatever joint you currently have
selected. If you do not have anything selected the component will be
built as a root component.
It is highly recommended that you start all rigs with a Location component. This is especially true if you plan to utilise your rig in a game engine.
In most situations you will never skin to the Location bone, but it acts as a root bone for the rest of your rig - ensuring you always have a single root element.
The control rig element of this component also gives you a master controller as well as a location controller - making it trivial to place the rig for animation whilst setting the root location independently.
Most components offer you options to tailor the component to your specific needs. Options may include a name field - allowing you to specify a descriptive name for the component, or it may allow you to specify parameters such as number of twist bones in an arm etc.
You need to set the values of these options to your requirements before creating the component.
Once you have generated and placed some components you can trigger a build of the rig. This is the process of asking Crab to generate the control rig over the skeleton. As part of this process the skeleton is tied to the control rig.
To trigger a rig build you can simply hit the Build button . You will
then see the controls generated over the skeleton.
The chances are that the control shapes will be either too small or too large for your geometry. However you can go in and alter the CV's of any controls and these control changes will be retained during each rebuild of the rig.
You may put the rig back into an editable state at any time by clicking
the Edit button . When back in edit mode you're free to re-adjust the
proportion of your skeleton or add and remove components.
Clicking Build when the rig is already built will simply place the rig back into an editable state before re-building the rig.
Behaviours are a layer on top of components. Components come with a specific rule in that each component is of skeletal form, therefore a component is always part of the deformation rig.
However, because each component is an encapsulated rigging element they can never interact with other components beyond a child/parent relationship.
This limitation is not always ideal, and some useful rigging features require a knowledge of multiple components. Examples might include the addition of space switching attributes, a Pole Vector control for an arm is a particulalry good example, as its useful to allow this control to move in the space of the hand, shoulder, chest, hip or rig root. This easily spans at least three different components.
This is where behaviours come in. Instead of the component making potentially incorrect assumptions about what other components exist the space switching can be applied as a Behaviour.
This is because Behaviours are always generated after all the components are built. Behaviours are then built in order, meaning behaviours can interact with the results of other behaviours generated before it.
When you apply a behaviour to a Rig through the Crab UI, you're adding a behaviour specification to the list of applied behaviours but the actual behaviour itself will not be generated until you trigger a build of the rig.
Rigs can very often be made up of many different components and behaviours, and it is not always clear what is in a rig. You can use the overview tab in the Creator Ui to see a list of all the components as well as all the behaviours.
This UI will also show you the options which were set at the time a component was generated. The options for components are always read only as it is assumed that the options play an important role in the generation of the skeleton.
The options of a behaviour can be changed through this UI, as the behaviour does not exist other than when the rig is actually built.
The main key of Crab is to allow rigs to be generated, animated, edited tweaked and rebuilt. Therefore you can - at any stage - place the rig in edit mode to adjust the bone placement etc.
In this regard a typical workflow might look like this:
New Rig -> Add Components -> Build Rig -> Add Behaviours -> Rebuild Rig -> Test/Animate -> Re-Edit -> Build
Whilst a rig makes it easier for an animator to deform a mesh, they can be complex beasts which means there is a lot of benefit to having a suite of animation tools to accompany it.
Crab does not offer a fully fleshed Animation Toolkit (but I can highly recommend AnimBot!), but it does offer some utility functions geared toward the animator to allow the animator to interact with the rig quickly.
You can launch Crab:Animator using the following code (which you can throw in a shelf if you wish)
import crab;crab.animator.launch()
The ui - at least for the moment - is a glorified list of tools. Selecting a tool in the list will show any options that tool exposes. You can then simply double click the tool to instigate it.
Each tool offers different options based on what the tool does. This tool is currently in its infancy and is therefore currently quite minimal.
This part of the documentation is intended for those who are interested in writing their own components, behaviours or tools or for anyone who wants to edit the core of Crab.
Crab relies heavily on the factories module, and therefore much of the functionality of Crab is easy to extend and add to. Below you will see an outline of each plugin type and where you can find examples of any built-in plugins.
Its worth noting that you can place any additions you make in the crab plugins directory, or you can specify a seperate location for your custom components/behaviours/tools by setting the path to your extensions in the environment variable named CRAB_PLUGIN_PATHS
The component plugin type allows you to add new skeletal components
to crab. To implement a new component in crab you should inherit
from the Component class crab.Component
The component class expects you to re-implement four methods:
Re-implementing this allows you to expose build options which can be queried from within the component. The Base Componnent class implements the options property as an attribute dictionary and thus can be added to using attributes as shown here:
import crab
class ExampleComponent(crab.Component):
identifier = 'Example'
def __init__():
super(ExampleComponent, self).__init__()
self.options.myExampleOption = True
self.options.anotherExampleOption = 123
In this example we expose two options - one a bool and another an int. Any options which use native python types will be automatically displayed within the UI.
This method is where you should implement the code which generates the skeletal structure. You're given the parent as an argument and everything you build in this function should be part of a joint hierarchy under the parent.
Further to this, you should mark your component root joint as being the root of the skeletal component. This allows Crab to understand where your component begins and another component ends. This is shown in the example below.
Equally you can tag your joints with labels allowing you to access them easily when building the control rig.
Finally, whilst not a requirement it is good practice to select the most relevent end joint of your component at the end. This makes it convenient for the user when quickly creating many components.
Here we can see an example of this function being implemented.
def create_skeleton(self, parent):
# -- Create a joint. Note that we use a crab method
# -- to create the joint. This is not a requirement
# -- but it will handle the naming and has some
# -- convenient arguments (outlined further down in this
# -- documentation).
root_joint = crab.create.joint(
# -- Define this joint as being the skeleton root for
# -- this component
# -- We'll tag this joint with a label so we can easily
# -- find it from within the create_rig function.
# -- Select the tip joint
return True
This method is not required to be implemented, but can be implemented if your component has requirements which cannot be compleetely fullfilled by the skeletal hierarchy.
An example of where this function is particularly useful is when implementing a leg component which contains foot roll features. Such features are aided by guide markers allowing hte user to tweak the points of rotations for the controls. The supporting 'guides' can be generated within this function and read from within the create_rig function.
TODO: Requires example
This function is where youc an build the actual control rig. This function gives you direct access to both the skeletal_component as well as the guide_component as arguments:
def create_rig(self, parent, skeleton_component, guide_component):
When building a control rig there are some tasks which must be carried out. Every joint in your skeletal must be 'bound' to an item in your control rig. This is of crucial importance because someone may add a component as a child of any joint, and therefore Crab needs to determine which node in your rig is a correlating control rig parent.
This process is kept simple by the exposure of a method called bind. When calling this function you have the option to create a constraint (parent) between the control rig element and the skeletal element. Any overloaded arguments are passed directly to the parentConstraint call made within the function (useful if you want to maintainOffset etc).
This example shows the mechanism allowing you to query the skeletal component and the guide componet based on the tagging made within the create_skeleton example.
def create_rig(self, parent, skeleton_component, guide_component):
# -- We're given the skeleton component instance, so we can
# -- utilise the find method to find the joint we need to build
# -- a control against
root_joint = skeleton_component.find('RootJoint')[0]
# -- Create a transform to use as a control. This method
# -- is a convenience function which handles the name
# -- generation as well as object transform matching and
# -- shape creation.
node = crab.create.control(
# -- All joints should have a binding. The binding allows crab
# -- to know what control parent to utilise when building skeletal
# -- components.
# -- The act of binding also constrains the skeleton joint to the
# -- control
# -- Select our tip joint
To summarise, a component must implement the create_skeleton and create_rig methods. It may optionally implement the create_Guide method if your component requires it.
In the examples above we saw some functions being used to create controls and joints. Crab offers a few convinence functions for the creation of Maya nodes which aim to make repetative tasks easier.
This is a creation function capable of creating any Maya Node type ensuring it conforms to the crab naming conventions outlined earlier. It also offers functionality to match the nodes transform (if it has a transform) to a specified node or a given matrix. Generally put, this function wraps up some of the common functionality which typically goes hand in hand with node creation. This is shown in the example here:
import crab
location_marker = crab.create.generic(
In this example we would be greating a simple transform node which would be
assigned the name MRK_SomeLocation_1_LF
. It would be placed as a child
of some_other_node and matched in worldspace to another_no_in_the_scene.
This function calls crab.create.generic
under the hood but does so for
a specific hierarchy of prefixes. A crab control is made up of a hierarchy
of four transforms:
* crab.config.ORG
* crab.config.ZERO
* crab.config.OFFSET
* crab.config.CONTROL
This list allows for behaviours to be bound to controls and offsets for tools to utilise. When a match_to argument is given the ORG is the node to be matched meaning all the other nodes by default will be zero'd.
The other main difference with the control is that you can assign it a shape. Shapes are stored as json data and can be found in the 'shapes' directory within crab. Equally, if you want to use your own shapes you can place them anywhere under paths defined by the CRAB_PLUGIN_PATHS environment variable.
You can generate the shape files by selecting a transform with at least one NurbsCurve under it, then running the following code:
import crab
import pymel.core as pm
crab.utils.shapes.write(pm.selected()[0], r'C:\my_shape.json')
Behaviours can be thought of as rig modifiers run after all components are built. They are exempt from any kind of hierarchy rules or conventions and therefore perfectly suited for generating behaviour which crosses component boundaries.
Good examples of behaviours are control modifiers which allow control rig elements to move in spaces beyond their own components.
As such, a behaviour has no skeletal element at all, instead the crab rig retains a list of behaviours assigned to it and each behaviour is executed once the rig components are generated.
Because of their nature, behaviours typically expose more options than components, and those options typically expect the names of items within the control rig to operate on.
Just like the Component, we can re-implement the __init__ method to define and expose our options:
import crab
class ExampleBehaviour(crab.Behaviour):
identifier = 'Example Behaviour'
def __init__(self):
super(ExampleBehaviour, self).__init__() = ''
self.options.drive_this = ''
Beyond that we need only to implement the apply method.
def apply(self):
# -- Start by getting the objects as pymel objects
target = pm.PyNode(
drive_this = pm.PyNode(self.options.drive_this)
pm.parentConstraint(target, drive_this)
This is a rather simplistic example, but it shows our exposure of two options where we expect the names of the nodes we're interested in to be defined. Then within our apply method we're simply getting those two objects and constraining them together.
Crab hosts a rig tools factory which contains a series user facing tools which are useful when working with skeletons or control rigs. This include tools to mirror joints or control shapes etc.
All Rigging Tool plugins are exposed to the user from within the Crab Creator UI. As with the other plugin types outlined above you may specify options within the __init__ and utilse those within the run method.
Here we see an example of a simple tool:
import crab
import pymel.core as pm
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SkinConnect(crab.RigTool):
identifier = 'Skin : (Dis)Connect'
def __init__(self):
super(SkinConnect, self).__init__()
self.options.connect = True
def run(self):
for skin in'skinCluster'):
An animation tool is very similar to the rigging tool, however it has two main differences:
* Animation tools are only ever exposed through the crab.animator tool and not the crab.creator tool.
* Animation Tool plugins have a viability function to determine whether the tool can operate on a given node
The crab.animator tool refreshes based on selection changes, the ui will prioritise any tools designed specifically for the nodes being selected and place them at the top.
This is particularly useful if for instance you write a suite of tools designed to work with a particular component. In this way you can design your tools such that they will not be visible unless you have an element of your component selected.
Here we see an example of an animation too
import crab
import pymel.core as pm
class MoveByOne(
Keys alls the controls in the scene
identifier = 'Move By One'
icon = 'path_to_icon'
def viable(cls, node):
# -- Only return true if this node has the word 'Foo' in
if 'Foo' in
return cls.PRIORITY_SHOW
return cls.DONT_SHOW
def run(self):
for node in pm.selected():
node.translateX.set(node.translateX.get() + 1)
In this tool we're specifically only showing the user the tool if it satisfies a particular requirement otherwise we ask it not to be displayed.
If we want our tool to always be visible we can just return cls.ALWAYS_SHOW
Whilst in most situation the UI will be used to create and generate rigs its entirely possible to build new rigs, add components and instigate rig builds directly through code. Therefore everything you can do in the ui you can also do in code directly. For instance to create a new rig...
import crab
new_rig = crab.Rig.create('MyRig')
In the following example we will create a new rig, add a component and then build the rig before re-editing the rig.
import crab
# -- Create a new rig
new_rig = crab.Rig.create('MyRig')
# -- Add some components to the rig
next_parent = None
for idx in range(5):
new_rig.add_component('Singular', parent=next_parent, description='Demo')
next_parent = pm.selected()[0]
# -- We now have a rig with 5 components, lets build
# -- our rig...
# -- Finally, lets restore our rig to an editable
# -- state
Crab has been tested on Windows using Maya 2019.
If you would like to contribute thoughts, ideas, fixes or features please get in touch!