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feat: port RingTheory.Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Eval (#5144)
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Parcly-Taxel authored and alexkeizer committed Jun 22, 2023
1 parent 414b3f6 commit 060e7ba
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Showing 2 changed files with 331 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2531,6 +2531,7 @@ import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Bernstein
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Chebyshev
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Content
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Eval
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Roots
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Dickson
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Eisenstein.Basic
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330 changes: 330 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/Polynomial/Cyclotomic/Eval.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Eric Rodriguez. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Rodriguez
! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module ring_theory.polynomial.cyclotomic.eval
! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 5bfbcca0a7ffdd21cf1682e59106d6c942434a32
! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
! if you have ported upstream changes.
import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Roots
import Mathlib.Tactic.ByContra
import Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Polynomial
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Padics.PadicVal
import Mathlib.Analysis.Complex.Arg

# Evaluating cyclotomic polynomials
This file states some results about evaluating cyclotomic polynomials in various different ways.
## Main definitions
* `Polynomial.eval(₂)_one_cyclotomic_prime(_pow)`: `eval 1 (cyclotomic p^k R) = p`.
* `Polynomial.eval_one_cyclotomic_not_prime_pow`: Otherwise, `eval 1 (cyclotomic n R) = 1`.
* `Polynomial.cyclotomic_pos` : `∀ x, 0 < eval x (cyclotomic n R)` if `2 < n`.

namespace Polynomial

open Finset Nat

open scoped BigOperators

theorem eval_one_cyclotomic_prime {R : Type _} [CommRing R] {p : ℕ} [hn : Fact p.Prime] :
eval 1 (cyclotomic p R) = p := by
simp only [cyclotomic_prime, eval_X, one_pow, Finset.sum_const, eval_pow, eval_finset_sum,
Finset.card_range, smul_one_eq_coe]
#align polynomial.eval_one_cyclotomic_prime Polynomial.eval_one_cyclotomic_prime

-- @[simp] -- Porting note: simp already proves this
theorem eval₂_one_cyclotomic_prime {R S : Type _} [CommRing R] [Semiring S] (f : R →+* S) {p : ℕ}
[Fact p.Prime] : eval₂ f 1 (cyclotomic p R) = p := by simp
#align polynomial.eval₂_one_cyclotomic_prime Polynomial.eval₂_one_cyclotomic_prime

theorem eval_one_cyclotomic_prime_pow {R : Type _} [CommRing R] {p : ℕ} (k : ℕ)
[hn : Fact p.Prime] : eval 1 (cyclotomic (p ^ (k + 1)) R) = p := by
simp only [cyclotomic_prime_pow_eq_geom_sum hn.out, eval_X, one_pow, Finset.sum_const, eval_pow,
eval_finset_sum, Finset.card_range, smul_one_eq_coe]
#align polynomial.eval_one_cyclotomic_prime_pow Polynomial.eval_one_cyclotomic_prime_pow

-- @[simp] -- Porting note: simp already proves this
theorem eval₂_one_cyclotomic_prime_pow {R S : Type _} [CommRing R] [Semiring S] (f : R →+* S)
{p : ℕ} (k : ℕ) [Fact p.Prime] : eval₂ f 1 (cyclotomic (p ^ (k + 1)) R) = p := by simp
#align polynomial.eval₂_one_cyclotomic_prime_pow Polynomial.eval₂_one_cyclotomic_prime_pow

private theorem cyclotomic_neg_one_pos {n : ℕ} (hn : 2 < n) {R} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] :
0 < eval (-1 : R) (cyclotomic n R) := by
haveI := NeZero.of_gt hn
rw [← map_cyclotomic_int, ← Int.cast_one, ← Int.cast_neg, eval_int_cast_map, Int.coe_castRingHom,
suffices 0 < eval (↑(-1 : ℤ)) (cyclotomic n ℝ) by
rw [← map_cyclotomic_int n ℝ, eval_int_cast_map, Int.coe_castRingHom] at this
simpa only [Int.cast_pos] using this
simp only [Int.cast_one, Int.cast_neg]
have h0 := cyclotomic_coeff_zero ℝ hn.le
rw [coeff_zero_eq_eval_zero] at h0
by_contra' hx
have := intermediate_value_univ (-1) 0 (cyclotomic n ℝ).continuous
obtain ⟨y, hy : IsRoot _ y⟩ := this (show (0 : ℝ) ∈ Set.Icc _ _ by simpa [h0] using hx)
rw [@isRoot_cyclotomic_iff] at hy
rw [hy.eq_orderOf] at hn
exact hn.not_le LinearOrderedRing.orderOf_le_two

theorem cyclotomic_pos {n : ℕ} (hn : 2 < n) {R} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] (x : R) :
0 < eval x (cyclotomic n R) := by
induction' n using Nat.strong_induction_on with n ih
have hn' : 0 < n := pos_of_gt hn
have hn'' : 1 < n := one_lt_two.trans hn
dsimp at ih
have := prod_cyclotomic_eq_geom_sum hn' R
apply_fun eval x at this
rw [← cons_self_properDivisors hn'.ne', Finset.erase_cons_of_ne _ hn''.ne', Finset.prod_cons,
eval_mul, eval_geom_sum] at this
rcases lt_trichotomy 0 (∑ i in Finset.range n, x ^ i) with (h | h | h)
· apply pos_of_mul_pos_left
· rwa [this]
rw [eval_prod]
refine' Finset.prod_nonneg fun i hi => _
simp only [Finset.mem_erase, mem_properDivisors] at hi
rw [geom_sum_pos_iff hn'.ne'] at h
cases' h with hk hx
· refine' (ih _ hi.2.2 (Nat.two_lt_of_ne _ hi.1 _)).le <;> rintro rfl
· exact hn'.ne' ( hi.2.1)
· exact (even_iff_two_dvd.mpr hi.2.1) hk
· rcases eq_or_ne i 2 with (rfl | hk)
· simpa only [eval_X, eval_one, cyclotomic_two, eval_add] using hx.le
refine' (ih _ hi.2.2 (Nat.two_lt_of_ne _ hi.1 hk)).le
rintro rfl
exact hn'.ne' <| hi.2.1
· rw [eq_comm, geom_sum_eq_zero_iff_neg_one hn'.ne'] at h
exact h.1.symm ▸ cyclotomic_neg_one_pos hn
· apply pos_of_mul_neg_left
· rwa [this]
rw [geom_sum_neg_iff hn'.ne'] at h
have h2 : 2 ∈ n.properDivisors.erase 1 := by
rw [Finset.mem_erase, mem_properDivisors]
exact ⟨by decide, h.1, hn⟩
rw [eval_prod, ← Finset.prod_erase_mul _ _ h2]
apply mul_nonpos_of_nonneg_of_nonpos
· refine' Finset.prod_nonneg fun i hi => le_of_lt _
simp only [Finset.mem_erase, mem_properDivisors] at hi
refine' ih _ hi.2.2.2 (Nat.two_lt_of_ne _ hi.2.1 hi.1)
rintro rfl
rw [zero_dvd_iff] at hi
exact hn'.ne' hi.2.2.1
· simpa only [eval_X, eval_one, cyclotomic_two, eval_add] using h.right.le
#align polynomial.cyclotomic_pos Polynomial.cyclotomic_pos

theorem cyclotomic_pos_and_nonneg (n : ℕ) {R} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] (x : R) :
(1 < x → 0 < eval x (cyclotomic n R)) ∧ (1 ≤ x → 0 ≤ eval x (cyclotomic n R)) := by
rcases n with (_ | _ | _ | n) <;>
simp [cyclotomic_zero, cyclotomic_one, cyclotomic_two, succ_eq_add_one, eval_X, eval_one,
eval_add, eval_sub, sub_nonneg, sub_pos, zero_lt_one, zero_le_one, imp_true_iff, imp_self,
· constructor <;> intro <;> norm_num <;> linarith
· have : 2 < n + 3 := by linarith
constructor <;> intro <;> [skip; apply le_of_lt] <;> apply cyclotomic_pos this
#align polynomial.cyclotomic_pos_and_nonneg Polynomial.cyclotomic_pos_and_nonneg

/-- Cyclotomic polynomials are always positive on inputs larger than one.
Similar to `cyclotomic_pos` but with the condition on the input rather than index of the
cyclotomic polynomial. -/
theorem cyclotomic_pos' (n : ℕ) {R} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] {x : R} (hx : 1 < x) :
0 < eval x (cyclotomic n R) :=
(cyclotomic_pos_and_nonneg n x).1 hx
#align polynomial.cyclotomic_pos' Polynomial.cyclotomic_pos'

/-- Cyclotomic polynomials are always nonnegative on inputs one or more. -/
theorem cyclotomic_nonneg (n : ℕ) {R} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] {x : R} (hx : 1 ≤ x) :
0 ≤ eval x (cyclotomic n R) :=
(cyclotomic_pos_and_nonneg n x).2 hx
#align polynomial.cyclotomic_nonneg Polynomial.cyclotomic_nonneg

theorem eval_one_cyclotomic_not_prime_pow {R : Type _} [Ring R] {n : ℕ}
(h : ∀ {p : ℕ}, p.Prime → ∀ k : ℕ, p ^ k ≠ n) : eval 1 (cyclotomic n R) = 1 := by
rcases n.eq_zero_or_pos with (rfl | hn')
· simp
have hn : 1 < n := one_lt_iff_ne_zero_and_ne_one.mpr ⟨hn'.ne', (h Nat.prime_two 0).symm⟩
rsuffices h | h : eval 1 (cyclotomic n ℤ) = 1 ∨ eval 1 (cyclotomic n ℤ) = -1
· have := eval_int_cast_map (Int.castRingHom R) (cyclotomic n ℤ) 1
simpa only [map_cyclotomic, Int.cast_one, h, eq_intCast] using this
· exfalso
linarith [cyclotomic_nonneg n (le_refl (1 : ℤ))]
rw [← Int.natAbs_eq_natAbs_iff, Int.natAbs_one, Nat.eq_one_iff_not_exists_prime_dvd]
intro p hp hpe
haveI := hp
have := prod_cyclotomic_eq_geom_sum hn' ℤ
apply_fun eval 1 at this
rw [eval_geom_sum, one_geom_sum, eval_prod, eq_comm, ←
Finset.prod_sdiff <| @range_pow_padicValNat_subset_divisors' p _ _, Finset.prod_image] at this
simp_rw [eval_one_cyclotomic_prime_pow, Finset.prod_const, Finset.card_range, mul_comm] at this
rw [← Finset.prod_sdiff <| show {n} ⊆ _ from _] at this
· simp only [singleton_subset_iff, mem_sdiff, mem_erase, Ne.def, mem_divisors, dvd_refl,
true_and_iff, mem_image, mem_range, exists_prop, not_exists, not_and]
exact ⟨⟨', hn'.ne'⟩, fun t _ => h hp _⟩
rw [← Int.natAbs_ofNat p, Int.natAbs_dvd_natAbs] at hpe
obtain ⟨t, ht⟩ := hpe
rw [Finset.prod_singleton, ht, mul_left_comm, mul_comm, ← mul_assoc, mul_assoc] at this
have : (p : ℤ) ^ padicValNat p n * p ∣ n := ⟨_, this⟩
simp only [← _root_.pow_succ', ← Int.natAbs_dvd_natAbs, Int.natAbs_ofNat, Int.natAbs_pow] at this
exact pow_succ_padicValNat_not_dvd hn'.ne' this
· rintro x - y - hxy
apply Nat.succ_injective
exact Nat.pow_right_injective hp.two_le hxy
#align polynomial.eval_one_cyclotomic_not_prime_pow Polynomial.eval_one_cyclotomic_not_prime_pow

theorem sub_one_pow_totient_lt_cyclotomic_eval {n : ℕ} {q : ℝ} (hn' : 2 ≤ n) (hq' : 1 < q) :
(q - 1) ^ totient n < (cyclotomic n ℝ).eval q := by
have hn : 0 < n := pos_of_gt hn'
have hq := zero_lt_one.trans hq'
have hfor : ∀ ζ' ∈ primitiveRoots n ℂ, q - 1 ≤ ‖↑q - ζ'‖ := by
intro ζ' hζ'
rw [mem_primitiveRoots hn] at hζ'
convert norm_sub_norm_le (↑q) ζ'
· rw [Complex.norm_real, Real.norm_of_nonneg hq.le]
· rw [hζ'.norm'_eq_one']
let ζ := Complex.exp (2 * ↑Real.pi * Complex.I / ↑n)
have hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n := Complex.isPrimitiveRoot_exp n'
have hex : ∃ ζ' ∈ primitiveRoots n ℂ, q - 1 < ‖↑q - ζ'‖ := by
refine' ⟨ζ, (mem_primitiveRoots hn).mpr hζ, _⟩
suffices ¬SameRay ℝ (q : ℂ) ζ by
convert lt_norm_sub_of_not_sameRay this <;>
simp only [hζ.norm'_eq_one', Real.norm_of_nonneg hq.le, Complex.norm_real]
rw [Complex.sameRay_iff]
refine' ⟨by exact_mod_cast', hζ.ne_zero', _⟩
rw [Complex.arg_ofReal_of_nonneg hq.le, Ne.def, eq_comm, hζ.arg_eq_zero_iff']
clear_value ζ
rintro rfl
linarith [hζ.unique]
have : ¬eval (↑q) (cyclotomic n ℂ) = 0 := by
erw [cyclotomic.eval_apply q n (algebraMap ℝ ℂ)]
simpa only [Complex.coe_algebraMap, Complex.ofReal_eq_zero] using (cyclotomic_pos' n hq').ne'
suffices Units.mk0 (Real.toNNReal (q - 1)) (by simp [hq']) ^ totient n <
Units.mk0 ‖(cyclotomic n ℂ).eval ↑q‖₊ (by simp [this]) by
simp only [← Units.val_lt_val, Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val, Units.val_mk0, ← NNReal.coe_lt_coe,
hq'.le, Real.toNNReal_lt_toNNReal_iff_of_nonneg, coe_nnnorm, Complex.norm_eq_abs,
NNReal.coe_pow, Real.coe_toNNReal', max_eq_left, sub_nonneg] at this
convert this
erw [cyclotomic.eval_apply q n (algebraMap ℝ ℂ), eq_comm]
simp only [cyclotomic_nonneg n hq'.le, Complex.coe_algebraMap, Complex.abs_ofReal, abs_eq_self]
simp only [cyclotomic_eq_prod_X_sub_primitiveRoots hζ, eval_prod, eval_C, eval_X, eval_sub,
nnnorm_prod, Units.mk0_prod]
convert Finset.prod_lt_prod' (M := NNRealˣ) _ _
swap; · exact fun _ => Units.mk0 (Real.toNNReal (q - 1)) (by simp [hq'])
· simp only [Complex.card_primitiveRoots, prod_const, card_attach]
· simp only [Subtype.coe_mk, Finset.mem_attach, forall_true_left, Subtype.forall, ←
Units.val_le_val, ← NNReal.coe_le_coe, Complex.abs.nonneg, hq'.le, Units.val_mk0,
Real.coe_toNNReal', coe_nnnorm, Complex.norm_eq_abs, max_le_iff, tsub_le_iff_right]
intro x hx
simpa only [and_true_iff, tsub_le_iff_right] using hfor x hx
· simp only [Subtype.coe_mk, Finset.mem_attach, exists_true_left, Subtype.exists, ←
NNReal.coe_lt_coe, ← Units.val_lt_val, Units.val_mk0 _, coe_nnnorm]
simpa [hq'.le, Real.coe_toNNReal', max_eq_left, sub_nonneg] using hex
#align polynomial.sub_one_pow_totient_lt_cyclotomic_eval Polynomial.sub_one_pow_totient_lt_cyclotomic_eval

theorem sub_one_pow_totient_le_cyclotomic_eval {q : ℝ} (hq' : 1 < q) :
∀ n, (q - 1) ^ totient n ≤ (cyclotomic n ℝ).eval q
| 0 => by simp only [totient_zero, _root_.pow_zero, cyclotomic_zero, eval_one, le_refl]
| 1 => by simp only [totient_one, pow_one, cyclotomic_one, eval_sub, eval_X, eval_one, le_refl]
| n + 2 => (sub_one_pow_totient_lt_cyclotomic_eval le_add_self hq').le
#align polynomial.sub_one_pow_totient_le_cyclotomic_eval Polynomial.sub_one_pow_totient_le_cyclotomic_eval

theorem cyclotomic_eval_lt_add_one_pow_totient {n : ℕ} {q : ℝ} (hn' : 3 ≤ n) (hq' : 1 < q) :
(cyclotomic n ℝ).eval q < (q + 1) ^ totient n := by
have hn : 0 < n := pos_of_gt hn'
have hq := zero_lt_one.trans hq'
have hfor : ∀ ζ' ∈ primitiveRoots n ℂ, ‖↑q - ζ'‖ ≤ q + 1 := by
intro ζ' hζ'
rw [mem_primitiveRoots hn] at hζ'
convert norm_sub_le (↑q) ζ'
· rw [Complex.norm_real, Real.norm_of_nonneg (zero_le_one.trans_lt hq').le]
· rw [hζ'.norm'_eq_one']
let ζ := Complex.exp (2 * ↑Real.pi * Complex.I / ↑n)
have hζ : IsPrimitiveRoot ζ n := Complex.isPrimitiveRoot_exp n'
have hex : ∃ ζ' ∈ primitiveRoots n ℂ, ‖↑q - ζ'‖ < q + 1 := by
refine' ⟨ζ, (mem_primitiveRoots hn).mpr hζ, _⟩
suffices ¬SameRay ℝ (q : ℂ) (-ζ) by
convert norm_add_lt_of_not_sameRay this using 2
· rw [Complex.norm_eq_abs, Complex.abs_ofReal]
exact abs_eq_self.mpr hq.le
· simp [abs_of_pos hq, hζ.norm'_eq_one', -Complex.norm_eq_abs]
rw [Complex.sameRay_iff]
refine' ⟨by exact_mod_cast', neg_ne_zero.mpr <| hζ.ne_zero', _⟩
rw [Complex.arg_ofReal_of_nonneg hq.le, Ne.def, eq_comm]
intro h
rw [Complex.arg_eq_zero_iff, Complex.neg_re, neg_nonneg, Complex.neg_im, neg_eq_zero] at h
have hζ₀ : ζ ≠ 0 := by
clear_value ζ
rintro rfl
exact' (hζ.unique
have : ζ.re < 0 ∧ ζ.im = 0 := ⟨h.1.lt_of_ne ?_, h.2
rw [← Complex.arg_eq_pi_iff, hζ.arg_eq_pi_iff'] at this
rw [this] at hζ
linarith [hζ.unique <| IsPrimitiveRoot.neg_one 0 two_ne_zero.symm]
· contrapose! hζ₀
ext <;> simp [hζ₀, h.2]
have : ¬eval (↑q) (cyclotomic n ℂ) = 0 := by
erw [cyclotomic.eval_apply q n (algebraMap ℝ ℂ)]
simp only [Complex.coe_algebraMap, Complex.ofReal_eq_zero]
exact (cyclotomic_pos' n hq').ne.symm
suffices Units.mk0 ‖(cyclotomic n ℂ).eval ↑q‖₊ (by simp [this]) <
Units.mk0 (Real.toNNReal (q + 1)) (by simp; linarith) ^ totient n by
simp only [← Units.val_lt_val, Units.val_pow_eq_pow_val, Units.val_mk0, ← NNReal.coe_lt_coe,
hq'.le, Real.toNNReal_lt_toNNReal_iff_of_nonneg, coe_nnnorm, Complex.norm_eq_abs,
NNReal.coe_pow, Real.coe_toNNReal', max_eq_left, sub_nonneg] at this
convert this using 2
· erw [cyclotomic.eval_apply q n (algebraMap ℝ ℂ), eq_comm]
simp [cyclotomic_nonneg n hq'.le]
rw [eq_comm, max_eq_left_iff]
simp only [cyclotomic_eq_prod_X_sub_primitiveRoots hζ, eval_prod, eval_C, eval_X, eval_sub,
nnnorm_prod, Units.mk0_prod]
convert Finset.prod_lt_prod' (M := NNRealˣ) _ _
swap; · exact fun _ => Units.mk0 (Real.toNNReal (q + 1)) (by simp; linarith only [hq'])
· simp [Complex.card_primitiveRoots]
· simp only [Subtype.coe_mk, Finset.mem_attach, forall_true_left, Subtype.forall, ←
Units.val_le_val, ← NNReal.coe_le_coe, Complex.abs.nonneg, hq'.le, Units.val_mk0,
Real.coe_toNNReal, coe_nnnorm, Complex.norm_eq_abs, max_le_iff]
intro x hx
have : Complex.abs _ ≤ _ := hfor x hx
simp [this]
· simp only [Subtype.coe_mk, Finset.mem_attach, exists_true_left, Subtype.exists, ←
NNReal.coe_lt_coe, ← Units.val_lt_val, Units.val_mk0 _, coe_nnnorm]
obtain ⟨ζ, hζ, hhζ : Complex.abs _ < _⟩ := hex
exact ⟨ζ, hζ, by simp [hhζ]⟩
#align polynomial.cyclotomic_eval_lt_add_one_pow_totient Polynomial.cyclotomic_eval_lt_add_one_pow_totient

theorem cyclotomic_eval_le_add_one_pow_totient {q : ℝ} (hq' : 1 < q) :
∀ n, (cyclotomic n ℝ).eval q ≤ (q + 1) ^ totient n
| 0 => by simp
| 1 => by simp [add_assoc, add_nonneg, zero_le_one]
| 2 => by simp
| n + 3 => (cyclotomic_eval_lt_add_one_pow_totient le_add_self hq').le
#align polynomial.cyclotomic_eval_le_add_one_pow_totient Polynomial.cyclotomic_eval_le_add_one_pow_totient

theorem sub_one_pow_totient_lt_natAbs_cyclotomic_eval {n : ℕ} {q : ℕ} (hn' : 1 < n) (hq : q ≠ 1) :
(q - 1) ^ totient n < ((cyclotomic n ℤ).eval ↑q).natAbs := by
rcases hq.lt_or_lt.imp_left with (rfl | hq')
· rw [zero_tsub, zero_pow (Nat.totient_pos (pos_of_gt hn')), pos_iff_ne_zero, Int.natAbs_ne_zero,
Nat.cast_zero, ← coeff_zero_eq_eval_zero, cyclotomic_coeff_zero _ hn']
exact one_ne_zero
rw [← @Nat.cast_lt ℝ, Nat.cast_pow, Nat.cast_sub hq'.le, Nat.cast_one, Int.cast_natAbs]
refine' (sub_one_pow_totient_lt_cyclotomic_eval hn' (Nat.one_lt_cast.2 hq')).trans_le _
convert (cyclotomic.eval_apply (q : ℤ) n (algebraMap ℤ ℝ)).trans_le (le_abs_self _)
#align polynomial.sub_one_pow_totient_lt_nat_abs_cyclotomic_eval Polynomial.sub_one_pow_totient_lt_natAbs_cyclotomic_eval

theorem sub_one_lt_natAbs_cyclotomic_eval {n : ℕ} {q : ℕ} (hn' : 1 < n) (hq : q ≠ 1) :
q - 1 < ((cyclotomic n ℤ).eval ↑q).natAbs :=
q - 1 ≤ (q - 1) ^ totient n := Nat.le_self_pow (Nat.totient_pos <| pos_of_gt hn').ne' _
_ < ((cyclotomic n ℤ).eval ↑q).natAbs := sub_one_pow_totient_lt_natAbs_cyclotomic_eval hn' hq
#align polynomial.sub_one_lt_nat_abs_cyclotomic_eval Polynomial.sub_one_lt_natAbs_cyclotomic_eval

end Polynomial

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