- Slack-style Chat Messaging iOS App written in Swift
- Chat system based on Chat channels
- Independent personal project worked on as part of taking the Devslopes iOS11 App Developer Course on Udemy
- Can make accounts with email to register as user with customizable profile icons
- Real-time chat messaging between users in channels
- Login verification in place
- Can join or create own chat channels
- Can see when other users in channel are typing
- Notification indicator for unread messages in other channels
- Used Course-provided Chat Web-API with connection to a MongoDB instance via mLabs add-on & deployed on Heroku
- Used Cocoapods to add functionality to app:
- Alamofire - HTTP Networking Library written in Swift allowing simplified common networking tasks including:
- Executing web requests (via chainable request/response methods)
- Retrieving data from a RESTful API
- SwiftyJSON - JSON-parsing library in Swift providing easier ability and syntax to handle JSON
- Socket.IO-Client-Swift - Socket.IO client for Swift, allowing easier access to working with WebSockets for real-time event-based communication
- Alamofire - HTTP Networking Library written in Swift allowing simplified common networking tasks including:
- Used 3rd-Pary SWRevealViewController library to implement slide out menu for chat channel menu
- Learned to create web requests and API calls to a RESTful API to talk to a MongoDB database instance and process/parse JSON data
- Parsed/handled JSON data for handling information comprising chat messages
- Account login verification with help of Alamofire
- HTTP Methods for RESTful chat API via Alamofire for operations including account login, account creation, channel list retrieval, writing messages to chat channels, and more
- Event driven app using MVC pattern, learning about closures, completionHandlers, and callbacksS