These used to be in my code repo (now private) so have moved them here for access by those who might want to use/contribute
show all status of repos in ~/working
like blame but for a directory (since git doesn't track dirs)
totals for author additions/removals
show the mean commit message length for each author
easy publish/revoke of branches to the remote
run remote prune origin, gc, and fsck
show state of branches: merged, not merged, local, remote
grabs the trending repos from github and then runs prints out the mean commit bytes for each, so you can see how poor most people's commit messages are
Prints a list of branch authors and prompts you to choose one. Once chosen, displays a list of all branches believed to be pushed by them, along with the date. This should allow you to easily track down your remote branches and remove them after they've been merged.
Script by Ovid, see
exports a markdown reveal.js presentation to a static ("static") site and creates a gh-pages branch for easy upload to github pages
shows you work done in ~/working for past day (default) or weekend (pass "we") or week (pass "week")
a little bit of vim config that will split the diff of what you are committing with the commit message in your editor (vim, obviously) so you can remind yourself of the change(s) to write a better commit message