The TAMIKABOT is a little discord bot able to make few things like saying joke, delete messages, playing music, translate sentences, etc
- Art
- ascii : Transform a given sentence by ascii art
- Bank
- add_coins: Add ( or remove if negative number ) a given amount of coins for the given user
- bank: See your bank account
- Google
- google: From a given entry return a simple search from google
- Joke
- joke: The bot say a random joke
- joke_tts: The bot say a random joke with text to speech active
- Messages
- del_messages:Delete X messages from the current channel
- say: The bot say a given message to a given channel
- translate: Translate a given text to a given language
- Stream
- leave: Disconnect the bot from the current voice channel
- pause: Pause the audio
- play: Download one song from a given url and play it on your current channel
- reset: Reset the bot by stopping and removing mp3 file and leaving the channel
- resume: Resume the audio
- stop: Stop the audio
- No Category
- help: Shows this message
Pour le lancer avec docker il faut entrer le DISCORD_TOKEN en variable d'environement
Exemple :