- DONE clj
- DONE boot
- DONE shadow-cljs - select watch project(s)
- DONE lein
- DONE Save as workspace configuration.
- DONE kill/restart jack-in process command
- DONE Cljs repls
- DONE figwheel
- DONE figwheel-main
- DONE shadow-cljs
- DONE inject piggieback
- DONE { :repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [cider.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl]}} in lein
- DONE clj
- DONE prompt for clj aliases
- DONE prompt for lein profiles
- DONE support session disconnection messages - route them to the right window.
- DONE webviews do not receive postMessages when not in the foreground. buffer them and blast them when it focuses.
- DONE hollow cursor when not focused.
- DONE don’t snatch focus away from selection
- DONE context!
- DONE up/down navigate completion
- DONE tab complete
- DONE documentation
- DONE PageUp/PageDown in completion pane
- DONE Only show completions on type or Ctrl+Space (repl-interactor support)