This is a library inquiry system implemented in Java, using JDBC for MySQL connection.
- Choi Sen Ho 1155125303
- Lau Long Ching 1155127347
- Li Chun Lam 1155116313
- Navigate to the folder with the files
- Run:
!(CUHK CSE VPN connection is required to run the project.)
- Navigate to the folder with the files
- Run:
java -cp .:mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.jar Main
!(CUHK CSE VPN connection is required to run the project.)
- Put the connector jar file under "Referenced Libraries" of "Java Projects" tab
- Right click on and run
Please delete the tables, re-create them and import sample data before trying the functions.
find . -name "*.class" -type f -delete
Please refer to this link.
38/39 (-1) rating by default is null. usre functions: test case 2, test case 3.