Hi, I'm Leonardo!
I started my journey as a software engineer many years ago (2009), during my 1st year at university while coursing Computer engineering. Since then I have worked in many business fields, from real state pricing software, industrial (metals & mining, oil & gas), education, and finance. Most of the time doing backend and frontend software development, with a few touches of data science and AI here and there.
Nowadays I am proficient in Software architecture, Coding (mostly Ruby on Rails, React, Javascript, and Java), and Leading Tech teams.
My goal is to help people and businesses grow and achieve their potential, using the tools and tech I feel I can help with.
📫 How to reach me:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardo-aretakis-0b200423
- Personal page: https://leoaretakis.github.io
- Secondary GitHub profile (I'm currently working for a company that demanded the creation of a secondary GitHub account): https://github.com/leonardoaretakis