This is a simple Neovim plugin to print stuff when nvim
is starting up.
As this plugin will kind you remember, it needs to have access to an existing git standup
to work with. If you don't have any install, this plugin will show you how to install it and quit.
An example of how to load this plugin in NeoBundle:
" Required:
call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle/'))
" Let NeoBundle manage NeoBundle
" Required:
NeoBundleFetch 'leojpod/gitstandup.vim'
" You probably have a number of other plugins listed here.
" Add this line to make your new plugin load, assuming you haven't renamed it.
NeoBundle 'gitstandup.vim'
call neobundle#end()
For full disclosure, I use Plug
in my config so I not quite sure of the veracity of this NeoBundle
An example of how to load this plugin using vim-plug:
Plug 'leojpod/gitstandup.vim'
After running :PlugInstall
, the files should appear in your ~/.config/nvim/plugged
directory (or whatever path you have configured for plugins).
This plugin is still pretty new and might be extended later on.
At the moment it supports only one command: :Gstandup
which takes an optional parameter specifying how many days back (the -d
option from git-standup) you would like to fetch for your commits.