Simple CSV parser for huge volumes of data with the use of the library Pandas for Python for getting specific columns of a CSV file and putting the extracted data into one or more files (each column in a separated file or all of them in the same output) in a short amount of time.
Author: Levindo Gabriel Taschetto Neto.
Python Version: Python 3.6.5 :: Anaconda, Inc.
$ conda install pandas
$ python <INPUT> <[COLUMN_NUMBERS(comma-separated)]> <[OUTPUTS_IN_ORDER_OF_COLUMNS(comma-separated)]> <multipleOutputsBoolean> <DELIMITER_SYMBOL> <createQuotedFilesBoolean>
In this example, the columns NU_CNPJ (0) and NO_PRODUTO (5) are extracted from the file medicines.csv and placed into the outputs cnpj.csv and productNames.csv respectively.
$ python tests/in/medicines.csv [0,5] [tests/out/cnpj.csv,tests/out/productNames.csv] true ; true
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