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Load Impact Java SDK Build Status Download

This Java SDK provides Java APIs to the Load Impact platform for running and managing performance tests in the cloud.


The Load Impact Java SDK works with Java 6 or later. It has two dependencies (both open-source):

How to build


Gradle is required for building this SDK. There is no need to download and install gradle, because the gradle wrapper is configured for this project. Just use the provided gradlew script.

./gradlew tasks         //*NIX
gradlew.bat tasks       //Windows

JAR file(s)

Compile and build the JAR file(s)

gradlew assemble

The JAR files can then be found in the ./build/libs/ directory

$ ls -lhF build/libs/
.... 133k ... loadimpact-sdk-java-1.4-lib.jar
.... 3.9M ... loadimpact-sdk-java-1.4-withDepends.jar

The '*-withDepends.jar' file contains this SDK together with all of its dependencies. Add this JAR file to the class-path of your application and you're good to go.

Use the '*-lib.jar' file if you plan to add the dependencies yourself. Check the dependencies block in ./build.gradle to figure out which dependencies to add.

Check your API token

The JAR file contains a small Java application that you can use to verify your API token. To obtain your API token, you can find it on your account page. Run the app by

java -jar ./build/libs/loadimpact-sdk-java-1.4-withDepends.jar {your API token here}

If it was successful you will see a list of load-zones, else you will see a MissingApiToken exception.

Run unit tests

Run the unit tests suite by

gradlew test
gradlew test --tests '*UrlMetric*'      //choose one or more test classes (omit the quotes on Windows)

Gradle will generate a HTML test report in ./build/reports/tests/index.html

Run integration tests

This SDK also has a suite of integration tests, which all need to logon to a valid Load Impact account, given a valid API token. If you try running the integration tests without a proper API token, you will see the following message

In order for the integration tests to run, it requires a valid API token to run. Follow these steps:

(1) Create a Load Impact account, unless you already have it.

(2) Get the API token.
    (a) Open the user profile (click a username)
    (b) Choose tab "API Token"
    (c) Generate a token, if needed
    (d) Save the token for later use

(3a) Provide the API token directly
     Using the Java system property "loadimpact.token"
(3b) Provide the API token via a properties file
     Create a file with one single line (including EOL)
        api.token=<your API token string here>
     Provide the token-file by any of:
    (i)     Save it with the file path "../" (i.e. in the parent directory)
    (ii)    Set the Java system property "loadimpact.token.file" with the file path
    (iii)   Set the environment variable "LOADIMPACT_TOKEN_FILE" with the file path

Choose your preferred way of providing the API token and run the integration tests suite by

gradlew integrationTest 
gradlew integrationTest --tests '*ApiToken*'    //choose one or more test classes (omit the quotes on Windows)

Gradle will generate a HTML test report in ./build/reports/integration-tests/index.html

Integration test configuration

You can enable HTTP trace outputs using Java system properties

Name Type Description
loadimpact.http.verbose Boolean Set to true, to enable HTTP log print-outs.
loadimpact.http.max Integer When HTTP logging enabled, sets the max number of characters printed for each log print-out.
loadimpact.token String The API token
loadimpact.token.file Path Path to a Java properties file with the API token as the value of api.token

Add system properties to gradle by -Dname=value. Here is one example:

gradlew -Dloadimpact.http.verbose=true integrationTest --tests '*Running*'

Generate JavaDocs

Generate the JavaDocs by

gradlew javadoc

Gradle will generate the docs into ./build/docs/javadoc/index.html

Generate a gradle project report

Run the following command

gradlew projectReport

This will generate a HTML file of all dependencies and their transitive dependencies in ./build/reports/project/dependencies/root.html. In addition, there are some text file reports in ./build/reports/project/*.txt

Cleaning up

Run the following command to remove the build directory and all generated files

gradlew clean

Using the SDK


It's probably easiest to use Maven or Gradle to just add the dependency of the withDepends JAR file. If you just want the SDK classes, change classifier to 'lib'. Configure where and what to fetch as dependency as shown below. Remember to double-check the version number, so you go with the latest SDK version.


repositories {
    maven {
        url  "" 
dependencies {   
    compile group: 'com.loadimpact', name: 'loadimpact-sdk-java', version: '1.4.1', classifier: 'withDepends'




ZIP Distribution

If the SDK is packaged as a zip-file, then unpack it, grab the JAR file and add the jar file to the class-path of your application.

Creating an API client

To create an API client instance you need your API token. You can find it on your account page.

You provide the token as an argument to the constructor of the client.

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;

ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");

Sample minimal application

Create the following project directory structure:

$ mkdir -p path/to/my/appdir
$ cd path/to/my/appdir
$ mkdir -p src/main/java
$ touch build.gradle pom.xml src/main/java/
$ tree
|   build.gradle
|   pom.xml


Add the following Java code to

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.LoadZone;
import java.util.List;

public class App {
    static String token = "your Load Impact API token here";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient(token);        
        List<LoadZone> zones = client.getLoadZone();
        for (LoadZone zone : zones) {


If you plan on using Gradle, add the following content to build.gradle:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'application'

group   = 'whatever'
version = '1.0'

repositories {
    maven {
        url  "" 

dependencies {   
    compile group: 'com.loadimpact', name: 'loadimpact-sdk-java', version: '1.4.1', classifier: 'withDepends'

mainClassName = 'App'   //RUN: gradle run

Compile and run the application using

gradle build run


If you plan on using Maven (instead of Gradle), add the following content to pom.xml:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">



                    <mainClass>App</mainClass> <!-- RUN: mvn exec:java -->

Compile and run the application using

mvn package exec:java

Using an API client

All API calls performed by the client are so called synchronous run-to-completion, which means that it connects (via HTTPS) to the Load Impact API, sends the request and waits for the JSON response which is transformed into a value object. The connections is closed after each API call.

List test configurations

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.TestConfiguration;
import java.util.List;

public class ListTestConfigsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");
        List<TestConfiguration> configs = client.getTestConfigurations();

Get a specific test configurations

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.TestConfiguration;

public class ListTestConfigsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");
        final int testConfigId = 1;
        TestConfiguration config = client.getTestConfiguration(testConfigId);

Create a new test configuration

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.LoadZone;
import com.loadimpact.resource.TestConfiguration;
import com.loadimpact.resource.configuration.LoadClip;
import com.loadimpact.resource.configuration.LoadScheduleStep;
import com.loadimpact.resource.configuration.LoadTrack;
import com.loadimpact.resource.configuration.UserType;

public class CreateTestConfigExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final int userScenarioId = 1;
        final int durationSecs = 300;
        final int users = 50;

        TestConfiguration config = new TestConfiguration(); = "My test configuration";
        config.url = "";
        config.userType = UserType.SBU;
        config.loadSchedule.add(new LoadScheduleStep(durationSecs, users));
        config.tracks.add(new LoadTrack(LoadZone.AMAZON_US_ASHBURN).clip(100, userScenarioId));

        config = client.createTestConfiguration(config);

The available load zone are as follows:

import com.loadimpact.resource.LoadZone;

// Amazon load zones

// Rackspace load zones

Update an existing test configuration

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.TestConfiguration;

public class UpdateTestConfigExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");
        final int testConfigId = 1;
        TestConfiguration config = client.getTestConfiguration(testConfigId); = "My new test configuration name";
        config = client.updateTestConfiguration(config);

Delete config

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;

public class DeleteTestConfigExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");
        final int testConfigId = 1;

Run test and stream results to STDOUT

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.LoadZone;
import com.loadimpact.resource.TestConfiguration;
import com.loadimpact.resource.testresult.StandardMetricResult;

public class RunTestAndStreamResultsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");
        final int testConfigId = 1;
        TestConfiguration config = client.getTestConfiguration(testConfigId);
        final int testId = client.startTest(testConfigId);
        Test test = client.getTest(testId);

        int offset = 0;
        while (test.status.isInProgress()) {
            List<StandardMetricResult> results = client.getStandardMetricResults(
      , StandardMetricResult.Metrics.REQUESTS_PER_SECOND, LoadZone.AMAZON_US_PALOALTO,
      , offset + 100));

            for (StandardMetricResult result : results) {

            if (results.size()) {
                offset = Math.max(offset, results.get(results.size() - 1).offset);

Create a new user scenario

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.UserScenario;

public class CreateUserScenarioExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");
        String loadScript = "local response = http.get(\"\")\n"
                          + "\"Load time: \"..response.total_load_time..\"s\")\n"
                          + "client.sleep(5)";
        UserScenario userScenario = new UserScenario(); = "My user scenario";
        userScenario.loadScript = loadScript;
        userScenario = client.createUserScenario(userScenario)

Validating a user scenario

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.UserScenarioValidation;

public class UserScenarioValidationExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");

        final int userScenarioId = 1
        UserScenarioValidation validation = client.createUserScenarioValidation(userScenarioId)

        int retries = 10, sleepTime = 3000;
        for (int k = 1; k <= retries && validation.status != UserScenarioValidation.Status.FINISHED; ++k) {
            validation = client.getUserScenarioValidationResults(validation);

        for (UserScenarioValidation.Result result : validation.results) {
            System.out.println("[" + result.timestamp "]: " + result.message);

Uploading a data store (CSV file with parameterization data)

For more information regarding parameterized data have a look at this knowledgebase article.

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.DataStore;

public class CreateDataStoreExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");

        File file = new File("data.csv");
        String name = "My data store";
        final int fromLine = 2;
        DataStore dataStore = client.createDataStore(file, name, fromLine, DataStore.Separator.SEMICOLON, DataStore.StringDelimiter.DOUBLEQUOTE);

        int retries = 10, sleepTime = 3000;
        for (int k = 1; k <= retries && dataStore.status != DataStore.Status.READY; ++k) {
            dataStore = client.getDataStore(;

Adding a data store to a user scenario

import com.loadimpact.ApiTokenClient;
import com.loadimpact.resource.DataStore;
import com.loadimpact.resource.UserScenario;

public class AddDataStoreToUserScenarioExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiTokenClient client = new ApiTokenClient("YOUR_API_TOKEN_GOES_HERE");
        UserScenario userScenario = client.getUserScenario(1)
        DataStore dataStore = client.getDataStore(1)