👋 Hi, I’m @liammurray
👀 I’m interested in ...
Everything AWS
- Over 6 years experience with all kinds of AWS services (on top of 27 years industry experience)
- Including:
- Containers/serverless (docker, lambda)
- API Gateway (public,private,rest/http)
- X-Ray instrumentation
- SSM automation
- ECS (EC2/Fargate)
- Mongo, ElasticSearch, Redis/ElastiCache
- EC2/VPC, Transit Gateway, ALB/NLB
- DevOps (GitHub, CDK, Terraform, Serverless, SAM, etc.)
- EKS/Kubernetes (Current focus)
- A bunch of other stuff (DMS, Athena, RDS, Elastic Transcoder, SQS, EventBridge, DynamoDb, Cognito, Amplify, etc.)
Typescript/Node.js (Express, NestJS, React, NWRL Nx workspaces, etc.)
Just completed a flamenco negra based in part on a Marcelo Barbero guitar (a famous builder from Madrid). Now working on a blanca (cypress side/back instead of Indian Rosewood).
Attendended guitar building courses with Sergei de Jonge (Toronto, 2000) and Stephen Hill (La Herradura, Spain, 2012)
Over 20 years experience. Attended 1.5 year Seattle Central Cabinet Making Program back in 2009.
Language learning
🌱 My current work focus ...
- Everything Kubernetes (EKS), including:
- GitOps with ArgoCD
- OpenTelemetry (AWS OpenTelemetry Collector) for tracing and Prometheus metrics (kube-prometheus-stack)
- Temporal workflow (durable functions, workflow as code)
- Crossplane/Cluster API (Deploying AWS infra with Kubernetes API instead of CDK/Terraform, etc.)
- Service Mesh (AppMesh, LinkerD), progressive delivery (Flux, etc.)
- Bottlerocket
🌱 Past work focus ...
- Extensive work around C++, Java, Symbian, Android
📫 How to reach me ...