I am a full stack developer with a preference for backend.
My favorite language is Rust, I've been using it daily for 6 years and as soon as I can I do everything in Rust, including the front end.
I also have a good grasp of :
- Typescript (with Angular and nodeJs)
- Dart (with Flutter)
- Java (with Spring boot)
I also have some knowledge in bash and python, mainly for scripting deployment processes.
Since 2021, I'm mainly working on Moonbeam: An Ethereum-compatible smart contract parachain on Polkadot.
In particular, I'm working on the development and maintenance of the blockchain protocol itself (in Rust). I am also the maintainer of the github actions of the project.
For the needs of Moonbeam, I am regularly lead to contribute to Substrate, Cumulus and Frontier.
From 2017 to 2021, I'm worked mainly on Duniter: a blockchain-based P2P crypto-currency engine with Web of Trust.
Most of my contributions are on the self-hosted gitlab: git.duniter.org.
In particular, I'm worked on the migration of Duniter to Substrate: see Duniter-v2s.
- I contributed to the async_lock crate.
- I am the creator of the fast-threadpool and pkstl crates.
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