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My Curriculum Vitae built with the pagedown package.

The main files

  • index.Rmd: Source template for the CV, contains a variable PDF_EXPORT in the header that is used to changes styles for the pdf and html formats.
  • index.html: The final output of the CV template when the header variable PDF_EXPORT is set to FALSE. View it at
  • rajarshi_cv.pdf: The PDF version of the online CV when it is printed as PDF. Links are put in footer and link to the online version is specified in the sidebar.
  • resume.Rmd: Source template for a single page resume.
  • resume.html: The final output of the resume template when the header variable PDF_EXPORT is set to FALSE. View it at
  • rajarshi_resume.pdf: The PDF version of the online resume when it is printed as PDF.
  • my_data.csv: A csv with columns containing the various fields needed for an entry in the CV. A column section is used to identify the different entries of projects, jobs, blogs, education, etc.
  • css/: Directory containing the custom CSS files used to tweak the default 'resume' format from pagedown.

Open Source usage

  1. Fork this repo to your machine with RStudio.
  2. Customize the index.Rmd for CV and resume.Rmd for resume.
  3. Edit the rows of my_data.csv with your own data.
  4. Print each unique section (as encoded in the section column of my_data.csv) in your .Rmd with the command my_data %>% print_section('section_name').
  5. Knit to html using
  6. Print the html as pdf using Chrome browse.