Adds inner hyperlinks in your gamebook
- on Linux, any terminal shell will do the job
- on Windows, use Powershell (Start > Windows Powershell)
- on any recent Linux distribution, python 3 is already installed
- on Windows 10/11, type in Powershell:
This launchs Microsoft Store and asks you to install the last Python version. To be sure Python version 3 (mandatory) is installed, type below command:
python -V
It's a Python library which simplifies XML and HTML processing. To install it, run below command in a shell or Powershell on Windows :
pip install lxml
- Download script
- Copy your gamebook file in the folder where you downloaded the script.
- Run a shell terminal or Powershell and changedir to right location. For example, if you use Windows and the script is located in your Downloads directory, type :
cd Downloads
- Run the script with below options :
python --EN my_gamebook.odt
By default, the script outputs the number of sections in your gamebook when it has completed. A file prefixed with 'new_' has been created in the same directory. That new file contains your gamebook with hyperlinks, your original file has not been modified.
- To randomly shuffle paragraphs :
python --EN my_gamebook.odt --shuffle
The script returns the new range of your paragraphs as a table of numbers. By default, 1 and last paragraphs remain unchanged. If you're not satisfied with the order, you can re-run the command with this option as many times as you require.
- If you want to shuffle your paragraphs but keep some of them in their original place (in the example, 1, 156, 287, 342 and 400 will be kept):
python --EN my_gamebook.odt --shuffle --keep 156 287 342
- If you use a different syntax than the usual "turn to" for your references, for example if you put a ↪ before them (as in "Fight (↪ 12)? Or flee (↪ 23)?"), this is covered through the
python mon_AVH.odt --prefix="↪"
Said prefixes can technically be a regular expression. If you use one though, we'll take for granted that you know what you're doing and can handle relevant issues on your own.
python -m unittest discover tests
Generate a visual diagram from a gamebook previously processed by hyperAVH.
It's a Python Library for creating graphic diagrams. To install it, run below command in a shell or Powershell on Windows :
pip install graphviz
- Run the script with below options :
python my_gamebook.odt
You get two files :
- my_gamebook.gv : a simple list of all linked sections in the gamebook.
- my_gamebook.gv.svg : the graphic diagram of your gamebook, that you can view in your preferred web browser. The option "--text N" adds to each node of the diagram the first N characters of the section text.