Monitoring common.InitMonitoring(svcName, monitorCfg).
- Traces: otel http sink, gcp cloud trace
- go tool pprof
- requires gcloud (install)
is not supported, uninstall and use link above!
- requires gcloud configuration
- requires spanner emulator component
Setting up emulator
# Setup gcloud configuration
gcloud config configurations create --activate emulator
gcloud config set auth/disable_credentials true
gcloud config set project lingio-test
gcloud config set api_endpoint_overrides/spanner http://localhost:9020/
Installing the local spanner emulator:
gcloud components update
# Install as needed when prompted.
# If gcloud is installed via google-cloud-cli, ensure apt install command starts with google-cloud-cli instead of google-cloud-sdk
gcloud emulators spanner start
Finally, copy staging database to local emulator.
cd ~/my-service/
bash ~/go-common/script/setup-spanner-emulator.sh gcp-project-id spanner-instance-id database-name
There are certain limitations.
Some useful commands that wrench
and spanner-cli
does not cover.
Especially, copying data from staging to local emulator is much faster than with spanner-cli
This program is installed by setup-spanner-emulator.sh
go install github.com/lingio/go-common/script/spanner-tools@latest
spanner-tools -h
go install github.com/lingio/go-common/storagegen@latest
storagegen path/to/service/storage/spec.json
"serviceName": "person-service",
"buckets": [
"typeName": "People", // final type name: {typeName}Store
"dbTypeName": "DbPerson", // stored and returned type: models.{dbTypeName}
"bucketName": "people", // object store bucket name
"version": "v1", // change this if the stored data structure is changed
"getAll": false, // enable to generate code for listing all objects
"filenameFormat": "%s.json" // fmt.Sprintf format, must have exactly one %s (ID)
"secondaryIndexes": [ // generate additional Get methods
// GetByPhone, builds index on models.{dbTypeName}.Phone
{ "key": "Phone", "type": "unique" },
// GetByEmail, builds index on *models.{dbTypeName}.Email if it not nil
{ "keys": [{ "key": "Email", "optional": true }], "type": "unique" },
// GetByPartnerAndEmail, builds a compound index on models.{dbTypeName}.Partner and *models.{dbTypeName}.Email if it not nil
{ "keys": [{ "key": "Partner" }, { "key": "Email", "optional": true }], "type": "unique", "name": "PartnerAndEmail" },
// GetAllByPartnerAndStudentGroup
"keys": [
{ "key": "Partner" },
{ "key": "Student", "optional": true, "exclFromIndex": true },
{ "key": "Student.GroupID", "param": "groupID" }
"type": "set",
"name": "PartnerAndStudentGroup"
// GetAllByPartner, builds index on models.{dbTypeName}.Partner
{ "key": "Partner", "type": "set"}
// directstore.tmpl: encrypted object store
// cachedstore.tmpl: cache + encrypted object store
// blobstore.tmpl: directstore for []byte data
"template": "cachedstore.tmpl",
"config": {
// Defaults to "application/json". Will be applied on object Put.
"contentType": "application/json",
// Defaults to "". Will be applied on object Put.
"contentDisposition": ""
: read/write objects from/to bucket from one s3 endpointMINIO_SECRET=xyz go run ./script/objcopy --from=path/to/{stage,local,local-stage}.json --bucket=xyz
: encrypt or decrypt plaintext objects on stdinENCRYPTION_KEY=256bitkey go run ./script/encrypt
: read filenames from stdin and write object to stdoutfind ./dir -not -type d | go run ./script/fromfile
: read objects from stdin and write files... go run ./script/objcopy | go run ./script/tofile -root=./dir
: likefromfile
but reads raw json objectscat data.jsonl | go run ./script/objify
# assuming encrypted bucket
$ MINIO_SECRET=minioadmin go run ./script/objcopy --from=../service/config/local-stage.json --bucket=people | \
ENCRYPTION_KEY=256bit-key go run ./script/encrypt --decrypt | \
go run ./script/tofile --root=./files --rename="people-data-{KEY}{EXT}"
# assuming encrypted bucket
$ find ../files -maxdepth 1 -not -type d | gp run ./script/fromfile | \
ENCRYPTION_KEY=256bit-key go run ./script/encrypt | \
MINIO_SECRET=minioadmin go run ./script/objcopy --to=../service/config/local-stage.json --bucket=people