Split Text is an attempt to immitate the "SplitText" plugin of the greensock AS3 functionality with JQuery and GSAP (Greensock javascript library)
Choose one of the following options:
-> var split = $(".splitText").splitText({'type':'words','animation':'explode','useLite':true});
-> split.animate();
-> split.reverse();
- HTML5 ready. Use the new elements with confidence.
- Options Inlcude:
- type = 'lines', 'words', 'letters', 'sentences (new)'
- animation = 'explode', 'slide', 'opacity', '3D', 'colorize', 'smoke', 'glowOnHover','typography3D','scramble','blackout','matrix', 'machinegun text (new)'
- justSplit = boolean (just split only returns the splited text based on type, no animation)
- duration = ...in seconds
- colorize = color hex (if effect is colorize or glowOnHover)
- scale = boolean
- useLite = boolean (TimelineMax or TimelineLite)
- useCSS = boolean (use external css, like splitText.css)
- You can view examples of this plugin here
Will be coming soon...
Firefox 3.5+, Google Chrome, Safari 4+, IE 8+, Opera 10+.
- Of course some effects are more jerky in some browsers than others.
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.