I'm planning to migrate all my note to github. I can not stand the evernote anymore -> huge, slow, ugly. I want an elegant way to note my life.
Evernote is a great tool to collect and connect to the word. But not a good tool to build links within. So It's time to change!
Here is how I arrange my personal notebook
- Body: building strong body
- Computer Science: well I have to learn something to make my life
- Daily: what a mess
- English: how can I survive in USA
- Imagine: jumping into the future
- Interest: love something, do that thing
- Kindle: clippings from kindle
- Life: different aspects of my life
- List: books, packages, fit, etc, all about list
- Mind: limitation never exists
- Novel: time for fun
- Project: working on them
- Science: my religion
- Work: do something, love that thing
- World: just want to know more