This is a presentation I made for an internal talk to introduce Rust. The target audience is mostly C and C++ developpers, and the talk is mostly focused on memory safety and concurrency.
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These are some resources I used to make this talk. I don't know much about C++ so the biggest challenge was to learn about how RAII works in C++, and how it compared to Rust.
- topic I created to prepare the talk
- @aaturon talk on which I based a lot of my own talk
- Programming Rust book which has a good section about memory safety and type safety
- A nice blog post by @willcrichton from which I took the C example
- An old and outdated article by @steveklabnik about pointers in Rust
- various resources about C++ smart pointers (some are outdated, incorrect, or opinionated, but well the talk is about Rust, not C++):