planet is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with Ignite CLI.
ignite chain serve
command installs dependencies, builds, initializes, and starts your blockchain in development.
Your blockchain in development can be configured with config.yml
. To learn more, see
the Ignite CLI docs.
Ignite CLI has scaffolded a Vue.js-based web app in the vue
directory. Run the following commands to install
dependencies and start the app:
cd vue
npm install
npm run serve
The frontend app is built using the @starport/vue
and @starport/vuex
packages. For details, see
the monorepo for Ignite front-end development.
To release a new version of your blockchain, create and push a new tag with v
prefix. A new draft release with the
configured targets will be created.
git tag v0.1
git push origin v0.1
After a draft release is created, make your final changes from the release page and publish it.
To install the latest version of your blockchain node's binary, execute the following command on your machine:
curl! | sudo bash
should match the username
and repo_name
of the Github repository to which the source code was
pushed. Learn more about the install process.
ignite scaffold chain planet --no-module
ignite scaffold module blog --ibc 添加blog,并且ibc module_ibc.go
ignite scaffold list post title content creator --no-message --module blog
ignite scaffold list sentPost postID title chain creator --no-message --module blog
ignite scaffold list timeoutPost title chain creator --no-message --module blog
ignite scaffold packet ibcPost title content --ack postID --module blog
- 定义了一个数据结构ibcPost,发送包括:title、content,返回包括:postID。
proto/planet/blog/packet.proto 增加 string creator = 2; ignite chain build
ignite chain serve -c earth.yaml ignite chain serve -c mars.yaml
rm -rf ~/.ignite/relayer
ignite relayer connect
课后作业 1.参考该文档, 在自己的电脑上安装Ignite CLI环境。
3.创建一个新的ibc数据包,名称为updatePost,包含postID、title、content。 通过将该数据包发送给对手链,可更新存储在对手链中某条Post(通过postID)的标题和内容。 对手链在ack确认数据包中将返回是否更新成功,发送链收到确认数据包后更新本地之前存储的SentPost为新的title。
- ignite scaffold packet ibcPost title content --ack postID --module blog
- ignite scaffold packet updatePost postID title content --ack isUpdateOk --module blog
一点提示: 1.若根据postID无法找到对应的post,则返回更新失败。 2.对于post和sentPost的查询和更新,在第二步中都有相关代码生成,不需要额外开发。 3.修改完成后需要重新编译planetd。