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Alfred Text Utilities

  • Convert the selected text to upper case (Default: Ctrl + Cmd + Shift + U)
  • Convert the selected text to lower case (Default: Ctrl + Cmd + Shift + L)
  • Convert the selected text to capital/title case
  • Convert the selected text to smart capital/title case with escapes (e.g. "a", "an", "to) (Default: Ctrl + Cmd + Shift + T)
  • Wrap the selected text in C-style comment (/* */) (Default: Ctrl + Cmd + Shift + /)
  • Convert the selected text to spaces/"="/"-" of the same length (as placeholders)
  • Convert text in Markdown (and so on) in clipboard to normal paragraphs by replacing single linefeeds with spaces but preserve two or more consecutive linefeeds (Default: keyword rmlf)