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Simple Python Network Socket Benchmark with Customized Read Workload Support.
View this asciicast on asciinema.org
- 0.3
# Create data_file to be used by the server
$ fallocate -l 1g data_file
# Start the socket server using data filtering method "match"
# to select the bytes with even int value up to 1GB
$ docker run --rm -ti --network host \
-v "$(pwd)"/data_file:/root/data_file \
ljishen/pyben-nio \
--server start \
-b localhost -s 1g -f /root/data_file -m "match; func=lambda v: v % 2 == 0"
# Start the socket client also using the method "match"
# to only receive all the bytes of 'a's.
$ docker run --rm -ti --network host \
ljishen/pyben-nio \
--client start \
-a localhost -s 1g -m "match; func=lambda v: v == ord(b'a')"
$ docker run --rm ljishen/pyben-nio --server start --help
usage: server.py start [-h] [-d] -b BIND -s SIZE [-p PORT] [-f FN] [-l BS]
[-m {linspace,match,raw} | -z]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug Show debug messages
-b BIND, --bind BIND Bind to host, one of this machine's outbound interface
-s SIZE, --size SIZE The total size of data I/O ([BKMG])
-p PORT, --port PORT The port for the server to listen on (default: 8881)
-f FN, --filename FN Read from this file and write to the network, instead
of generating a temporary file with random data
-l BS, --bufsize BS The maximum amount of data to be sent at once
(default: 4KB) ([BKMG])
-m {linspace,match,raw}, --method {linspace,match,raw}
The data filtering method to apply on reading from the
file (default: raw). Use semicolon (;) to separate
method parameters
-z, --zerocopy Use "socket.sendfile()" instead of "socket.send()".
[BKMG] indicates options that support a B/K/M/G (b/kb/mb/gb) suffix for byte,
kilobyte, megabyte, or gigabyte
$ docker run --rm ljishen/pyben-nio --server desc -m match
[MODULE] methods.match
[DESC] Read the bytes from file that match the function check.
func (typing.Callable[[int], object]): It defines the function check that
whether the read operation should return the byte. This function should
only accpet a single argument as an int value of the byte and return an
object that subsequently will be used in the bytes filtering based on
its truth value. Also see truth value testing in Python 3:
sztype (SizeType): Optional. Control the size parameter whether it is the
size of the data filtering result (AFTER) or the size of total data
read (BEFORE). Choices: [BEFORE(B), AFTER(A)]. (Default: AFTER)
mpws (<class 'int'>): Optional. The minimum number of bytes that handle by
each process each time. The number of processes in use depends on the
bufsize and this value. (Default: 50MB)
$ docker run --rm ljishen/pyben-nio --client start --help
usage: client.py start [-h] [-d] -a ADDRS [ADDRS ...] -s SIZE [-p PORT]
[-b BIND] [-l BS] [-c CACHE] [-m {linspace,match,raw}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug Show debug messages
-a ADDRS [ADDRS ...], --addresses ADDRS [ADDRS ...]
The list of host names or IP addresses the servers are
running on (separated by space)
-s SIZE, --size SIZE The total size of data I/O ([BKMG])
-p PORT, --port PORT The client connects to the port where the server is
listening on (default: 8881)
-b BIND, --bind BIND Specify the incoming interface for receiving data,
rather than allowing the kernel to set the local
address to INADDR_ANY during connect (see ip(7),
-l BS, --bufsize BS The maximum amount of data to be received at once
(default: 4KB) ([BKMG])
-c CACHE, --cache CACHE
Size of cache for keeping the most recent received
data (default: 512MB) ([BKMG])
-m {linspace,match,raw}, --method {linspace,match,raw}
The data filtering method to apply on reading from the
socket (default: raw). Use semicolon (;) to separate
method parameters
[BKMG] indicates options that support a B/K/M/G (b/kb/mb/gb) suffix for byte,
kilobyte, megabyte, or gigabyte